Class Scim2GroupService

    • Constructor Detail

      • Scim2GroupService

        public Scim2GroupService()
    • Method Detail

      • restoreMembersDisplay

        public void restoreMembersDisplay​(GroupResource trusted,
                                          GroupResource altered)
        Takes two GroupResource objects and attempts to fill the members' display names in the second object when missing based on the data existing in the first object. In practice the first object represents an already stored group while the second is the result of modifications applied upon the first. In the course of modifications some display names may have removed. This method tries to recover some of this lost data
        trusted - Object containing valid group data
        altered - Modified object
      • transferAttributesToGroupResource

        public void transferAttributesToGroupResource​(GluuGroup gluuGroup,
                                                      GroupResource res,
                                                      boolean fillMembersDisplay,
                                                      String groupsUrl,
                                                      String usersUrl)
      • createGroup

        public void createGroup​(GluuGroup gluuGroup,
                                GroupResource group,
                                boolean fillMembersDisplay,
                                String groupsUrl,
                                String usersUrl)
                         throws Exception
        Inserts a new group in LDAP based on the SCIM Resource passed There is no need to check attributes mutability in this case as there are no original attributes (the resource does not exist yet)
        group - A GroupResource object with all info as received by the web service
        groupsUrl - Base URL associated to group resources in SCIM (eg. .../scim/v2/Groups)
        usersUrl - Base URL associated to user resources in SCIM (eg. .../scim/v2/Users)
        Exception - In case of unexpected error
      • searchGroups

        public io.jans.orm.model.PagedResult<BaseScimResource> searchGroups​(String filter,
                                                                            String sortBy,
                                                                            io.jans.orm.model.SortOrder sortOrder,
                                                                            int startIndex,
                                                                            int count,
                                                                            String groupsUrl,
                                                                            String usersUrl,
                                                                            int maxCount,
                                                                            boolean fillMembersDisplay)
                                                                     throws Exception
      • membersDisplayInPath

        public boolean membersDisplayInPath​(String strPath)