Class BaseService

    • Constructor Detail

      • BaseService

        public BaseService()
    • Method Detail

      • getToken

        public getToken​( tokenRequest,
                                                        String tokenEndpoint)
      • getToken

        public getToken​( tokenRequest,
                                                        String tokenEndpoint,
                                                        String userInfoJwt,
                                                        List<String> permissionTags)
        > This function takes a token request, a token endpoint, and a user info JWT, and returns a token response
        tokenRequest - This is the object that contains the parameters that are sent to the token endpoint.
        tokenEndpoint - The token endpoint of the authorization server.
        userInfoJwt - This is the JWT that is returned from the userinfo endpoint.
        A TokenResponse object
      • executeDCR

        public DCRResponse executeDCR​(String ssaJwt)
        It takes a software statement assertion (SSA) as input, and returns a client ID and client secret
        ssaJwt - The Software Statement Assertion (SSA) JWT that you received from the Scan server.
        The client id and client secret of the newly created client.
      • getClaims

        public Map<String,​Object> getClaims​( jwtObj)
        It takes a JWT object and returns a Map of the claims
        jwtObj - The JWT object that you want to get the claims from.
        A map of claims.