Class OpenIdConnectDiscoveryRequest

  • public class OpenIdConnectDiscoveryRequest
    extends BaseRequest
    Javier Rojas Blum Date: 01.28.2013
    • Method Detail

      • getResource

        public String getResource()
        Returns the Identifier of the target End-User that is the subject of the discovery request.
        The Identifier of the target End-User that is the subject of the discovery request.
      • setResource

        public void setResource​(String resource)
        Sets the Identifier of the target End-User that is the subject of the discovery request.
        resource - The Identifier of the target End-User that is the subject of the discovery request.
      • getHost

        public String getHost()
        Returns the Server where a WebFinger service is hosted.
        The Server where a WebFinger service is hosted.
      • setHost

        public void setHost​(String host)
        Sets the Server where a WebFinger service is hosted.
        host - The Server where a WebFinger service is hosted.
      • getPath

        public String getPath()
        If the Issuer value contains a path component, any terminating / must be removed before appending /.well-known/openid-configuration. Then the Client may make a new request using the path.
        The path component.
      • setPath

        public void setPath​(String path)
        Sets the path component.
        path - The path component.
      • getQueryString

        public String getQueryString()
        Returns a query string with the parameters of the OpenID Connect Discovery request. Any null or empty parameter will be omitted.
        Specified by:
        getQueryString in class BaseRequest
        A query string of parameters.