Class SsaRevokeAction

  • @Named
    public class SsaRevokeAction
    extends Object
    Provides the method to revoke an existing SSA considering certain conditions.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SsaRevokeAction

        public SsaRevokeAction()
    • Method Detail

      • revoke

        public revoke​(String jti,
                                                  String orgId,
                                                  jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest httpRequest)
        Revoked existing active SSA based on "jti" or "org_id".

        Method will return a WebApplicationException with status 401 if this functionality is not enabled, request has to have at least scope "ssa.admin", WebApplicationException with status 406 if "jti" or "org_id" filters are not valid, WebApplicationException with status 422 if the SSA does not exist, has expired or is no longer active, it will also return a WebApplicationException with status code 500 in case an uncontrolled error occurs when processing the method.

        After revoking the SSA, it calls custom script to perform an additional process. SSA Custom Script, method revoke.

        Method updates the list of SSA and marks them as REVOKED in the database.

        jti - Unique identifier
        orgId - Organization ID
        httpRequest - Http request
        Response with status 200 (Ok) if SSA has been revoked.