Class SsaGetJwtAction

  • @Named
    public class SsaGetJwtAction
    extends Object
    Provides the method to get JWT of SSA existing based on certain conditions.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SsaGetJwtAction

        public SsaGetJwtAction()
    • Method Detail

      • getJwtSsa

        public getJwtSsa​(String jti)
        Get JWT from existing active SSA based on "jti".

        Method will return the following exceptions: - WebApplicationException with status 401 if this functionality is not enabled, request has to have at least scope "ssa.admin". - WebApplicationException with status 422 if the SSA does not exist, is expired or used. - WebApplicationException with status 500 in case an uncontrolled error occurs when processing the method.

        jti - Unique identifier
        Response with status 200 (Ok) and the body containing JWT of SSA.