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addCustomAttribute(String, String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
addCustomParameter(String, String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseRequest
addIdTokenClaim(Claim) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
addReqParam(String, HasParamName) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseClient
addReqParam(String, String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseClient
addResource(String, UmaResource) - Method in interface io.jans.as.client.uma.UmaResourceService
addUserInfoClaim(Claim) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
appendClientAuthnToQuery(QueryBuilder) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ClientAuthnRequest
applyCookies(Invocation.Builder) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseClient
audience - Variable in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
AuthenticationRequestService - Interface in io.jans.as.client.fido.u2f
The endpoint allows to start and finish U2F authentication process
AuthorizationRequest - Class in io.jans.as.client
Represents an authorization request to send to the authorization server.
AuthorizationRequest(String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
AuthorizationRequest(List<ResponseType>, String, List<String>, String, String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
Constructs an authorization request.
AuthorizationResponse - Class in io.jans.as.client
Represents an authorization response received from the authorization server.
AuthorizationResponse(Response) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
Constructs an authorization response.
AuthorizationResponse(String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
AuthorizationResponse(String, String, PrivateKey, String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
AuthorizeClient - Class in io.jans.as.client
Encapsulates functionality to make authorization request calls to an authorization server via REST Services.
AuthorizeClient(String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizeClient
Constructs an authorize client by providing a REST url where the authorize service is located.


BackchannelAuthenticationClient - Class in io.jans.as.client
Encapsulates functionality to make backchannel authentication request calls to an authorization server via REST Services.
BackchannelAuthenticationClient(String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationClient
Constructs a backchannel authentication client by providing a REST url where the backchannel authentication service is located.
BackchannelAuthenticationRequest - Class in io.jans.as.client
Represents a CIBA backchannel authorization request to send to the authorization server.
BackchannelAuthenticationRequest() - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
BackchannelAuthenticationResponse - Class in io.jans.as.client
Represents a CIBA backchannel authorization response.
BackchannelAuthenticationResponse() - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Constructs a backchannel authentication response.
BackchannelAuthenticationResponse(Response) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
Constructs a backchannel authentication response.
BaseClient<T extends BaseRequest,​V extends BaseResponse> - Class in io.jans.as.client
Allows to retrieve HTTP requests to the authorization server and responses from it for display purposes.
BaseClient() - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.BaseClient
BaseClient(String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.BaseClient
BaseRequest - Class in io.jans.as.client
BaseRequest() - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.BaseRequest
BaseResponse - Class in io.jans.as.client
BaseResponse() - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponse
BaseResponse(int) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponse
BaseResponse(Response) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponse
BaseResponseWithErrors<T extends io.jans.as.model.error.IErrorType> - Class in io.jans.as.client
BaseResponseWithErrors() - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponseWithErrors
BaseResponseWithErrors(Response) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponseWithErrors
booleanOrNull(JSONObject, String) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.util.ClientUtil
build() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest.Builder
builder() - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterClient
builder() - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest
Builder - Interface in io.jans.as.client.builder
Builder() - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest.Builder


Claim - Class in io.jans.as.client.model.authorize
Claim(String, ClaimValue) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.Claim
ClaimValue - Class in io.jans.as.client.model.authorize
Cli(String[]) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.util.KeyExporter.Cli
Cli(String[]) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.util.KeyGenerator.Cli
ClientAuthnEnabler - Class in io.jans.as.client
ClientAuthnEnabler(Invocation.Builder, Form) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.ClientAuthnEnabler
ClientAuthnRequest - Class in io.jans.as.client
ClientAuthnRequest() - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.ClientAuthnRequest
ClientFactory - Class in io.jans.as.client.service
ClientInfoClient - Class in io.jans.as.client
Encapsulates functionality to make client info request calls to an authorization server via REST Services.
ClientInfoClient(String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.ClientInfoClient
Constructs an Client Info client by providing a REST url where the service is located.
ClientInfoRequest - Class in io.jans.as.client
Represents a Client Info request to send to the authorization server.
ClientInfoRequest(String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.ClientInfoRequest
Constructs a Client Info Request.
ClientInfoResponse - Class in io.jans.as.client
Represents an client info response received from the authorization server.
ClientInfoResponse(Response) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.ClientInfoResponse
Constructs a Client Info response.
clientResponse - Variable in class io.jans.as.client.BaseClient
ClientUtil - Class in io.jans.as.client.util
ClientUtils - Class in io.jans.as.client
closeConnection() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseClient
createAuthenticationRequestService(U2fConfiguration) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.fido.u2f.FidoU2fClientFactory
createEngine() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.service.ClientFactory
createEngine(boolean) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.service.ClientFactory
createEngine(int, int, String, boolean) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.service.ClientFactory
createEssential(boolean) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.ClaimValue
createHttpClient(String, String[]) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.util.ClientUtil
Creates a special SSLContext using a custom TLS version and a set of ciphers enabled to process SSL connections.
createIntrospectionService(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.service.ClientFactory
createIntrospectionService(String, ClientHttpEngine) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.service.ClientFactory
createMetaDataConfigurationService(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.fido.u2f.FidoU2fClientFactory
createMetadataService(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.uma.UmaClientFactory
createMetadataService(String, ClientHttpEngine) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.uma.UmaClientFactory
createNull() - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.ClaimValue
createPermissionService(UmaMetadata) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.uma.UmaClientFactory
createPermissionService(UmaMetadata, ClientHttpEngine) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.uma.UmaClientFactory
createRegistrationRequestService(U2fConfiguration) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.fido.u2f.FidoU2fClientFactory
createResourceService(UmaMetadata) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.uma.UmaClientFactory
createResourceService(UmaMetadata, ClientHttpEngine) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.uma.UmaClientFactory
createRptStatusService(UmaMetadata) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.uma.UmaClientFactory
createRptStatusService(UmaMetadata, ClientHttpEngine) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.uma.UmaClientFactory
createScopeService(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.uma.UmaClientFactory
createScopeService(String, ClientHttpEngine) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.uma.UmaClientFactory
createSingleValue(String) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.ClaimValue
createStatService(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.service.ClientFactory
createStatService(String, ClientHttpEngine) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.service.ClientFactory
createTokenService(UmaMetadata) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.uma.UmaClientFactory
createTokenService(UmaMetadata, ClientHttpEngine) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.uma.UmaClientFactory
createValueList(String[]) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.ClaimValue


decode(String) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.QueryStringDecoder
Decodes a query string and returns a map with the parsed query string parameters as keys and its values.
deleteResource(String, String) - Method in interface io.jans.as.client.uma.UmaResourceService
DeviceAuthzClient - Class in io.jans.as.client
Encapsulates functionality to make Device Authz request calls to an authorization server via REST Services.
DeviceAuthzClient(String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.DeviceAuthzClient
Construct a device authz client by providing an URL where the REST service is located.
DeviceAuthzRequest - Class in io.jans.as.client
Represents a device authorization request to send to the authorization server.
DeviceAuthzRequest(String, List<String>) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.DeviceAuthzRequest
DeviceAuthzResponse - Class in io.jans.as.client
Represents a device authz response received from the authorization server.
DeviceAuthzResponse(Response) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.DeviceAuthzResponse


EndSessionClient - Class in io.jans.as.client
Encapsulates functionality to make end session request calls to an authorization server via REST Services.
EndSessionClient(String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.EndSessionClient
Constructs an end session client by providing an URL where the REST service is located.
EndSessionRequest - Class in io.jans.as.client
Represents an end session request to send to the authorization server.
EndSessionRequest(String, String, String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.EndSessionRequest
Constructs an end session request.
EndSessionResponse - Class in io.jans.as.client
Represents an end session response received from the authorization server.
EndSessionResponse(int) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.EndSessionResponse
Constructs an end session response.
entity - Variable in class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponse
exec() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizeClient
Executes the call to the REST Service and processes the response.
exec() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationClient
Executes the call to the REST Service and processes the response.
exec() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.fcm.FirebaseCloudMessagingClient
exec() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.ping.PingCallbackClient
exec() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushErrorClient
exec() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushTokenDeliveryClient
exec() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ClientInfoClient
exec() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.DeviceAuthzClient
exec() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.EndSessionClient
Executes the call to the REST Service and processes the response.
exec() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.JwkClient
Executes the call to the REST Service requesting the JWK and processes the response.
exec() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConnectDiscoveryClient
exec() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.par.ParClient
exec() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterClient
exec() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RevokeSessionClient
exec() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenClient
Executes the call to the REST Service and processes the response.
exec() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRevocationClient
Executes the call to the REST Service and processes the response.
exec() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.UserInfoClient
Executes the call to the REST Service and processes the response.
exec(ClientAuthnRequest) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ClientAuthnEnabler
exec(RevokeSessionRequest) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RevokeSessionClient
exec(ClientHttpEngine) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizeClient
Engine should be shared between clients
exec(ClientHttpEngine) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ClientInfoClient
Engine should be shared between clients
exec(ClientHttpEngine) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.DeviceAuthzClient
Engine should be shared between clients
exec(ClientHttpEngine) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConnectDiscoveryClient
Engine should be shared between clients
exec(ClientHttpEngine) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterClient
Engine should be shared between clients
execAuthorizationCode(String, String, String, String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenClient
Executes the call to the REST Service requesting the authorization and processes the response.
execAuthorizationCodeGrant(String, List<String>, String, String, String, String, String, Display, List<Prompt>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizeClient
The authorization code grant type is used to obtain both access tokens and refresh tokens and is optimized for confidential clients.
execClientCredentialsGrant(String, String, String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenClient
Executes the call to the REST Service requesting the authorization and processes the response.
execClientInfo(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ClientInfoClient
Executes the call to the REST Service and processes the response.
execEndSession(String, String, String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.EndSessionClient
Executes the call to the REST Service requesting to end session and processes the response.
execExtensionGrant(String, String, String, String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenClient
Executes the call to the REST Service requesting the authorization and processes the response.
execFirebaseCloudMessaging(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.fcm.FirebaseCloudMessagingClient
execGluuConfiguration() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.GluuConfigurationClient
execImplicitGrant(String, List<String>, String, String, String, String, String, Display, List<Prompt>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizeClient
execOpenIdConfiguration() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationClient
execRefreshToken(String, String, String, String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenClient
Executes the call to the REST Service requesting the authorization and processes the response.
execRegister(ApplicationType, String, List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterClient
Executes the call to the REST service requesting to register and process the response.
execResourceOwnerPasswordCredentialsGrant(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenClient
Executes the call to the REST Service requesting the authorization and processes the response.
execTokenRevocation(String, String, String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRevocationClient
Executes the call to the REST Service requesting the token revocation and processes the response.
execTokenRevocation(String, String, String, TokenTypeHint) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRevocationClient
Executes the call to the REST Service requesting the token revocation and processes the response.
execUserInfo(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.UserInfoClient
Executes the call to the REST Service and processes the response.
execute() - Method in interface io.jans.as.client.builder.Builder
execute() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.builder.RegistrationBuilder
executor - Variable in class io.jans.as.client.BaseClient
exp - Variable in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
extractGrantTypes(JSONObject) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
extractListByKey(JSONObject, String) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.util.ClientUtil
extractListByKeyOptString(JSONObject, String) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.util.ClientUtil


FidoU2fClientFactory - Class in io.jans.as.client.fido.u2f
Helper class which creates proxy FIDO U2F services
finishAuthentication(String, String) - Method in interface io.jans.as.client.fido.u2f.AuthenticationRequestService
finishRegistration(String, String) - Method in interface io.jans.as.client.fido.u2f.RegistrationRequestService
FirebaseCloudMessagingClient - Class in io.jans.as.client.ciba.fcm
FirebaseCloudMessagingClient(String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.ciba.fcm.FirebaseCloudMessagingClient
FirebaseCloudMessagingRequest - Class in io.jans.as.client.ciba.fcm
FirebaseCloudMessagingRequest(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.ciba.fcm.FirebaseCloudMessagingRequest
FirebaseCloudMessagingResponse - Class in io.jans.as.client.ciba.fcm
FirebaseCloudMessagingResponse(Response) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.ciba.fcm.FirebaseCloudMessagingResponse
fromJson(String) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
fromJson(JSONObject) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
fromString(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
fromString(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponseWithErrors
fromString(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ClientInfoResponse
fromString(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.DeviceAuthzResponse
fromString(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.par.ParResponse
fromString(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterResponse
fromString(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RevokeSessionResponse
fromString(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenResponse
fromString(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.UserInfoResponse


generateAndSetCodeChallengeWithMethod() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
getAccessToken() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
getAccessToken() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
Returns the access token issued by the authorization server.
getAccessToken() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushTokenDeliveryRequest
getAccessToken() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ClientInfoRequest
Returns the access token obtained from Jans Auth authorization request.
getAccessToken() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenResponse
Returns the access token issued by the authorization server.
getAccessToken() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.UserInfoRequest
Returns the access token obtained from Jans Auth authorization request.
getAccessTokenAsJwt() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getAccessTokenLifetime() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns the Client-specific access token expiration.
getAccessTokenSigningAlg() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getAcrValues() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
getAcrValues() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
getAcrValues() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getAcrValuesAsString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
getAcrValuesSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns a list of the Authentication Context Class References that this server supports.
getAdditionalAudience() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getAdditionalClaims() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
getAlgorithm() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ClientAuthnRequest
getAllowSpontaneousScopes() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getApplicationType() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns the application type.
getAs() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
String identifying the authorization server that this request was sent to.
getAssertion() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest
Returns the assertion.
getAtHash() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
Access Token hash value.
getAud() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getAud() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
String identifying the client that this state value is intended for.
getAudience() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
getAudience() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ClientAuthnRequest
getAuthenticationMethod() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseRequest
getAuthLevelMapping() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.GluuConfigurationResponse
getAuthorizationEncryptedResponseAlg() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getAuthorizationEncryptedResponseEnc() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getAuthorizationEncryptionAlgValuesSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns a list of the JWE encryption algorithms (alg values) JWA supported by the authorization endpoint to encrypt the response.
getAuthorizationEncryptionEncValuesSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns a list of the JWE encryption algorithms (enc values) JWA supported by the authorization endpoint to encrypt the response.
getAuthorizationEndpoint() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns the URL of the Authentication and Authorization endpoint.
getAuthorizationMethod() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseRequest
getAuthorizationRequest() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.par.ParRequest
getAuthorizationSignedResponseAlg() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getAuthorizationSigningAlgValuesSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns a list of the JWS signing algorithms (alg values) JWA supported by the authorization endpoint to sign the responses.
getAuthorizedAcrValues() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getAuthorizedOrigins() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns authorized JavaScript origins.
getAuthPassword() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseRequest
getAuthReqId() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
getAuthReqId() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.ping.PingCallbackRequest
getAuthReqId() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushErrorRequest
getAuthReqId() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushTokenDeliveryRequest
getAuthReqId() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest
getAuthUsername() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseRequest
getBackchannelAuthenticationEndpoint() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
getBackchannelAuthenticationRequestSigningAlg() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getBackchannelAuthenticationRequestSigningAlgValuesSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
getBackchannelClientNotificationEndpoint() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getBackchannelLogoutSessionRequired() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getBackchannelLogoutSessionSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
getBackchannelLogoutSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
getBackchannelLogoutUris() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getBackchannelTokenDeliveryMode() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getBackchannelTokenDeliveryModesSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
getBackchannelUserCodeParameter() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getBackchannelUserCodeParameterSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
getBindingMessage() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
getBindingMessage() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getBlockEncryptionAlgorithm() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getBlockEncryptionAlgorithm() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
getcHash() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
Code hash value.
getCheckSessionIFrame() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns the URL of an OP endpoint that provides a page to support cross-origin communications for session state information with the RP client.
getClaim(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponseWithErrors
getClaimMap() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponseWithErrors
getClaims() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
getClaims() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponseWithErrors
getClaims() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.IdTokenMember
getClaims() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.UserInfoMember
getClaims() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.SoftwareStatement
getClaims() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getClaimsAsString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
getClaimsLocales() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
getClaimsLocales() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getClaimsLocalesAsString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
getClaimsLocalesSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns a list of languages and scripts supported for values in Claims being returned.
getClaimsParameterSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns a Boolean value specifying whether the OP supports use of the claims parameter, with true indicating support.
getClaimsRedirectUris() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns claims redirect URIs.
getClaimsSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns a list of the Claim Names of the Claims that the OpenID Provider may be able to supply values for.
getClaimTypesSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns a list of the claim types that the OpenID Provider supports.
getClaimValue() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.Claim
getClientAssertion() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ClientAuthnRequest
getClientId() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
Returns the client identifier.
getClientId() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
getClientId() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.DeviceAuthzRequest
getClientId() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getClientId() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterResponse
Returns the client's identifier.
getClientIdIssuedAt() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterResponse
getClientInfoEndpoint() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns the URL of the Client Info endpoint.
getClientName() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns the name of the Client to be presented to the user.
getClientName(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns the name of the Client to be presented to the user represented in a language and script.
getClientNameLanguageTags() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getClientNotificationToken() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
getClientNotificationToken() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.ping.PingCallbackRequest
getClientNotificationToken() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushErrorRequest
getClientNotificationToken() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushTokenDeliveryRequest
getClientNotificationToken() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getClientSecret() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterResponse
Returns the client's password.
getClientSecretExpiresAt() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterResponse
Return the expiration date after which the client's account will expire.
getClientUri() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns a URL of the home page of the Client.
getClientUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns a URL of the home page of the Client represented in a language and script.
getClientUriLanguageTags() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getCode() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
Returns the authorization code generated by the authorization server.
getCode() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest
Returns the authorization code.
getCodeChallenge() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
getCodeChallengeMethod() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
getCodeVerifier() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest
Gets PKCE code verifier.
getContacts() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns a list of e-mail addresses for people allowed to administer the information for this Client.
getContentType() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseRequest
getContentType() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getCookies() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseClient
getCredentials() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseRequest
Returns the client credentials (URL encoded).
getCryptoProvider() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ClientAuthnRequest
getCustomAttributes() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Gets custom attribute map copy.
getCustomParameters() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseRequest
getCustomParams() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
getCustomResponseHeaders() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
getCustomResponseHeadersAsString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
getDecodedJwt() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getDefaultAcrValues() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns the Default requested Authentication Context Class Reference values.
getDefaultMaxAge() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns the Default Maximum Authentication Age.
getDefaultPromptLogin() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getDeviceAuthzEndpoint() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
getDeviceCode() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.DeviceAuthzResponse
getDeviceCode() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest
getDisplay() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
Returns an ASCII string value that specifies how the Authorization Server displays the authentication page to the End-User.
getDisplay() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getDisplayValuesSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns a list of the display parameter values that the OpenID Provider supports.
getDpop() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest
getDpopSigningAlgValuesSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns a list of JWS alg values supported by the authorization server for DPoP proof JWTs.
getECDSAPublicKey(String, String) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.JwkClient
getECDSAPublicKey(String, String, ClientHttpEngine) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.JwkClient
getEncodedCredentials() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseRequest
Returns the client credentials encoded using base64.
getEncodedCredentials(String, String) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseRequest
getEncodedJwt() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getEncodedJwt() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
getEncodedJwt() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.SoftwareStatement
getEncodedJwt(JSONObject) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getEncodedJwt(JSONObject) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
getEndSessionEndpoint() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns the URL of the End Session endpoint.
getEntity() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponse
Returns the entity or body content of the response.
getErrorDescription() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
Returns a human-readable UTF-8 encoded text providing additional information, used to assist the client developer in understanding the error that occurred.
getErrorDescription() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponseWithErrors
getErrorDescription() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushErrorRequest
getErrorDescription() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.EndSessionResponse
Returns a human-readable UTF-8 encoded text providing additional information, used to assist the client developer in understanding the error that occurred.
getErrorDescription() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRevocationResponse
Returns a human-readable UTF-8 encoded text providing additional information, used to assist the client developer in understanding the error that occurred.
getErrorType() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
Returns the error code when the request fails, otherwise will return null.
getErrorType() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponseWithErrors
getErrorType() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushErrorRequest
getErrorType() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.EndSessionResponse
Returns the error code when the request fails, otherwise will return null.
getErrorType() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRevocationResponse
Returns the error code when the request fails, otherwise will return null.
getErrorUri() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
Returns a URI identifying a human-readable web page with information about the error, used to provide the client developer with additional information about the error.
getErrorUri() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponseWithErrors
getErrorUri() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushErrorRequest
getErrorUri() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.EndSessionResponse
Returns a URI identifying a human-readable web page with information about the error, used to provide the client developer with additional information about the error.
getErrorUri() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRevocationResponse
Returns a URI identifying a human-readable web page with information about the error, used to provide the client developer with additional information about the error.
getExecutor() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseClient
getExp() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
getExp() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getExp() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
The expiration time claim identifies the expiration time on or after which the JWT MUST NOT be accepted for processing.
getExpiresIn() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
Returns the lifetime in seconds of the access token.
getExpiresIn() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
getExpiresIn() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushTokenDeliveryRequest
getExpiresIn() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.DeviceAuthzResponse
getExpiresIn() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.par.ParResponse
getExpiresIn() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenResponse
Returns the lifetime in seconds of the access token.
getFirstClaim(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponseWithErrors
getFrontChannelLogoutSessionRequired() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Gets logout session required.
getFrontChannelLogoutSessionSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
getFrontChannelLogoutSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
getFrontChannelLogoutUri() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Gets logout uri.
getGrantType() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest
Returns the grant type.
getGrantTypes() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns a list of the OAuth 2.0 grant types that the Client is declaring that it will restrict itself to using.
getGrantTypes() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterResponse
getGrantTypesSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns a list of the OAuth 2.0 grant type values that this server supports.
getHeaders() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseClient
getHeaders() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponse
getHost() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConnectDiscoveryRequest
Returns the Server where a WebFinger service is hosted.
getHtmlPage() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.EndSessionResponse
Html page of http based logout
getHttpMethod() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizeClient
getHttpMethod() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationClient
getHttpMethod() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseClient
getHttpMethod() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.fcm.FirebaseCloudMessagingClient
getHttpMethod() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.ping.PingCallbackClient
getHttpMethod() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushErrorClient
getHttpMethod() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushTokenDeliveryClient
getHttpMethod() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ClientInfoClient
getHttpMethod() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.DeviceAuthzClient
getHttpMethod() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.EndSessionClient
getHttpMethod() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.GluuConfigurationClient
getHttpMethod() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.JwkClient
getHttpMethod() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationClient
getHttpMethod() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConnectDiscoveryClient
getHttpMethod() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.par.ParClient
getHttpMethod() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterClient
getHttpMethod() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getHttpMethod() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RevokeSessionClient
getHttpMethod() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenClient
getHttpMethod() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRevocationClient
getHttpMethod() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.UserInfoClient
getIat() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getIat() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
Timestamp of when this Authorization Request was issued.
getIdGenerationEndpoint() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.GluuConfigurationResponse
getIdToken() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
Returns the ID Token of the for the authentication session.
getIdToken() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushTokenDeliveryRequest
getIdToken() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenResponse
Gets the value of the id token.
getIdTokenEncryptedResponseAlg() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns the JWE alg algorithm (JWA) required for encrypting the ID Token issued to this client_id.
getIdTokenEncryptedResponseEnc() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns the JWE enc algorithm (JWA) required for symmetric encryption of the ID Token issued to this client_id.
getIdTokenEncryptionAlgValuesSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns a list of the JWE encryption algorithms (alg values) supported by the Authorization Server for the ID Token to encode the claims in a JWT.
getIdTokenEncryptionEncValuesSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns a list of the JWE encryption algorithms (enc values) supported by the Authorization Server for the ID Token to encode the claims in a JWT.
getIdTokenHint() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
getIdTokenHint() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
getIdTokenHint() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.EndSessionRequest
Returns the issued ID Token.
getIdTokenHint() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getIdTokenMember() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getIdTokenSignedResponseAlg() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns th JWS alg algorithm (JWA) required for the ID Token issued to this client_id.
getIdTokenSigningAlgValuesSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns a list of the JWS signing algorithms (alg values) supported by the Authorization Server for the ID Token to encode the claims in a JWT.
getIdTokenTokenBindingCnf() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getIdTokenTokenBindingCnfValuesSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
getInitiateLoginUri() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns the URI using the https: scheme that the authorization server can call to initiate a login at the client.
getInterval() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
getInterval() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.DeviceAuthzResponse
getIntrospectionEndpoint() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.GluuConfigurationResponse
getIntrospectionEndpoint() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
getIss() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getIss() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
String identifying the party that issued this state value.
getIssuer() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
getIssuer() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns the issuer identifier.
getJsonObject() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getJSONParameters() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseRequest
getJSONParameters() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.fcm.FirebaseCloudMessagingRequest
getJSONParameters() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.ping.PingCallbackRequest
getJSONParameters() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushErrorRequest
getJSONParameters() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushTokenDeliveryRequest
getJSONParameters() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getJti() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getJti() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
The "jti" (JWT ID) claim provides a unique identifier for the JWT.
getJwks() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.JwkResponse
getJwks() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Client's JSON Web Key Set (JWK) document, passed by value.
getJwksUri() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns the URL of the OP's JSON Web Key Set (JWK) document that contains the Server's signing key(s) that are used for signing responses to the Client.
getJwksUri() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns the URL for the Client's JSON Web Key Set (JWK) document containing key(s) that are used for signing requests to the OP.
getJwksUri() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.UserInfoClient
getJwtRequestAsString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getKeepClientAuthorizationAfterExpiration() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getKey() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.fcm.FirebaseCloudMessagingRequest
getKeyEncryptionAlgorithm() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getKeyEncryptionAlgorithm() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
getKeyId() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ClientAuthnRequest
getKeyId() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getKeyId() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
Identifier of the key used to sign this state token at the issuer.
getKeyId() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.SoftwareStatement
Identifier of the key used to sign this state token at the issuer.
getKeyId(Algorithm) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.JwkResponse
getKeys(Algorithm) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.JwkResponse
getKeyValue(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.JwkResponse
getLinks() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConnectDiscoveryResponse
getLocation() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponse
Returns the location of the response in the header.
getLoginHint() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
getLoginHint() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
getLoginHint() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getLoginHintToken() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
getLoginHintToken() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getLogoUri() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns an URL that references a logo for the Client application.
getLogoUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns a URL that references a logo for the Client application in a language and script.
getLogoUriLanguageTags() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getMaxAge() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
getMaxAge() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.IdTokenMember
getMaxAge() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getMediaType() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseRequest
getMetadata() - Method in interface io.jans.as.client.uma.UmaMetadataService
getMetadataConfiguration() - Method in interface io.jans.as.client.fido.u2f.U2fConfigurationService
getMltsAliases() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
getName() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.Claim
getNbf() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getNbf() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.par.ParRequest
getNestedPayload() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getNonce() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
Returns a string value used to associate a user agent session with an ID Token, and to mitigate replay attacks.
getNonce() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getOpPolicyUri() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns a URL that the OpenID Provider provides to the person registering the Client to read about the OP's requirements on how the Relying Party may use the data provided by the OP.
getOpTosUri() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns a URL that the OpenID Provider provides to the person registering the Client to read about OpenID Provider's terms of service.
getParameters() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
Returns a collection of parameters of the authorization request.
getParameters() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseRequest
getParameters() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ClientInfoRequest
Returns a collection of parameters of the client info request.
getParameters() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.DeviceAuthzRequest
Returns a collection of parameters of the authorization request.
getParameters() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns a collection of parameters of the register request.
getParameters() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest
Returns a collection of parameters of the token request.
getParameters() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.UserInfoRequest
Returns a collection of parameters of the user info request.
getParEndpoint() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.GluuConfigurationResponse
getParEndpoint() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
getParLifetime() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getParQueryString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
getPassword() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest
Returns the password.
getPath() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConnectDiscoveryRequest
If the Issuer value contains a path component, any terminating / must be removed before appending /.well-known/openid-configuration.
getPolicyUri() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns a URL that the Relying Party Client provides to the End-User to read about how the profile data will be used.
getPolicyUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns a URL that the Relying Party Client provides to the End-User to read about how the profile data will be used in a language and script.
getPolicyUriLanguageTags() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getPostLogoutRedirectUri() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.EndSessionRequest
Returns the URL to which the RP is requesting that the End-User's User-Agent be redirected after a logout has been performed.
getPostLogoutRedirectUris() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns the URLs supplied by the RP to request that the user be redirected to this location after a logout has been performed.
getPreferredLocales() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.UserInfoMember
getPrompts() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
Returns a space delimited list of ASCII strings that can contain the values login, consent, select_account, and none.
getPrompts() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getPromptsAsString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
getPublicKey(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.JwkResponse
getQueryString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
Returns a query string with the parameters of the authorization request.
getQueryString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
getQueryString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseRequest
getQueryString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.fcm.FirebaseCloudMessagingRequest
getQueryString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.ping.PingCallbackRequest
getQueryString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushErrorRequest
getQueryString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushTokenDeliveryRequest
getQueryString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ClientInfoRequest
Returns a query string with the parameters of the Client Info request.
getQueryString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.DeviceAuthzRequest
getQueryString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.EndSessionRequest
Returns a query string with the parameters of the end session request.
getQueryString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.GluuConfigurationRequest
getQueryString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.JwkRequest
getQueryString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationRequest
getQueryString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConnectDiscoveryRequest
Returns a query string with the parameters of the OpenID Connect Discovery request.
getQueryString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.par.ParRequest
getQueryString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getQueryString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RevokeSessionRequest
getQueryString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest
Returns a query string with the parameters of the authorization request.
getQueryString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRevocationRequest
Returns a query string with the parameters of the toke revocation request.
getQueryString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.UserInfoRequest
Returns a query string with the parameters of the User Info request.
getRedirectUri() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
Returns the redirection URI.
getRedirectUri() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getRedirectUri() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest
Returns the redirect URI.
getRedirectUris() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns a list of redirection URIs.
getRedirectUrisRegex() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getRefreshToken() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushTokenDeliveryRequest
getRefreshToken() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest
Returns the refresh token.
getRefreshToken() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenResponse
Returns the refresh token which can be used to obtain new access tokens using the same authorization grant.
getRegistration() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
getRegistration() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getRegistrationAccessToken() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns the Registration Access Token to authorize Client Read requests.
getRegistrationAccessToken() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterResponse
getRegistrationClientUri() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterResponse
getRegistrationEndpoint() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns the URL of the Dynamic Client Registration endpoint.
getRequest() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
Returns a JWT encoded OpenID Request Object.
getRequest() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
getRequest() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseClient
getRequestAsString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseClient
getRequestedExpiry() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
getRequestedExpiry() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getRequestObjectEncryptionAlg() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns the JWE alg algorithm (JWA) the RP is declaring that it may use for encrypting Request Objects sent to the OP.
getRequestObjectEncryptionAlgValuesSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns a list of the JWE encryption algorithms (alg values) supported by the Authorization Server for the OpenID Request Object.
getRequestObjectEncryptionEnc() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns the JWE enc algorithm (JWA) the RP is declaring that it may use for encrypting Request Objects sent to the OP.
getRequestObjectEncryptionEncValuesSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns a list of the JWE encryption algorithms (enc values) supported by the Authorization Server for the OpenID Request Object.
getRequestObjectSigningAlg() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns the JWS alg algorithm (JWA) that must be required by the Authorization Server.
getRequestObjectSigningAlgValuesSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns a list of the JWS signing algorithms (alg values) supported by the Authorization Server for the OpenID Request Object.
getRequestParameterSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns a Boolean value specifying whether the OP supports use of the request parameter, with true indicating support.
getRequestUri() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
Returns an URL that points to an OpenID Request Object.
getRequestUri() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
getRequestUri() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.par.ParResponse
getRequestUriParameterSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns a Boolean value specifying whether the OP supports use of the request_uri parameter, with true indicating support.
getRequestUris() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns a list of request_uri values that are pre-registered by the Client for use at the Authorization Server.
getRequireAuthTime() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns the Boolean value specifying whether the auth_time claim in the id_token is required.
getRequirePar() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.GluuConfigurationResponse
getRequirePar() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
getRequirePar() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getRequireRequestUriRegistration() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns a Boolean value specifying whether the OP requires any request_uri values used to be pre-registered using the request_uris registration parameter.
getResource() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConnectDiscoveryRequest
Returns the Identifier of the target End-User that is the subject of the discovery request.
getResource(String, String) - Method in interface io.jans.as.client.uma.UmaResourceService
getResourceList(String, String) - Method in interface io.jans.as.client.uma.UmaResourceService
Gets resources.
getResponse() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
getResponse() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseClient
getResponseAsString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseClient
getResponseMode() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
getResponseMode() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
getResponseMode() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getResponseModesSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
getResponseTypes() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
Returns the response types.
getResponseTypes() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getResponseTypes() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns a list of the OAuth 2.0 response_type values that the Client is declaring that it will restrict itself to using.
getResponseTypes() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterResponse
getResponseTypesAsString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
getResponseTypesStrings() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getResponseTypesSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns a list of the response types that the server supports.
getRevocationEndpoint() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns the URL of the Token Revocation endpoint.
getRfp() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
String containing a verifiable identifier for the browser session, that cannot be guessed by a third party.
getRptAsJwt() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getRSAPublicKey(String, String) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.JwkClient
getRSAPublicKey(String, String, ClientHttpEngine) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.JwkClient
getRunIntrospectionScriptBeforeAccessTokenAsJwtCreationAndIncludeClaims() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getScope() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
Returns the scope of the access token.
getScope() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
getScope() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getScope() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest
Returns the scope.
getScope() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenResponse
Returns the scope of the access token.
getScope(String) - Method in interface io.jans.as.client.uma.UmaScopeService
getScopes() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
Returns the scopes of the access request.
getScopes() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.DeviceAuthzRequest
getScopes() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getScopesAsString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
getScopesAsString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.DeviceAuthzRequest
getScopesSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns a list of the OAuth 2.0 scopes that the server supports.
getScopeToClaimsMapping() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.GluuConfigurationResponse
getScopeToClaimsMapping() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Gets scopes to claims map.
getSectorIdentifierUri() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns the URL using the https scheme to be used in calculating Pseudonymous Identifiers by the OP.
getServiceDocumentation() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns an URL of a page containing human-readable information that developers might want or need to know when using the OpenID Provider.
getSessionId() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
Gets session id.
getSessionId() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
Gets session id.
getSessionRevocationEndpoint() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
getSharedKey() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ClientAuthnRequest
getSid() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
getSid() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.EndSessionRequest
Gets sid.
getSignatureAlgorithm() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getSignatureAlgorithm() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
getSignatureAlgorithm() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.SoftwareStatement
getSoftwareId() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns a unique identifier string (UUID) assigned by the client developer or software publisher used by registration endpoints to identify the client software to be dynamically registered.
getSoftwareStatement() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns a software statement containing client metadata values about the client software as claims.
getSoftwareVersion() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns a version identifier string for the client software identified by "software_id".
getSpontaneousScopes() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getState() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
Returns the state.
getState() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
Returns the state.
getState() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.EndSessionRequest
Returns the state.
getState() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.EndSessionResponse
Returns the state.
getState() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getStatus() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponse
Returns the HTTP status code of the response.
getSubject() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConnectDiscoveryResponse
getSubjectIdentifierAttribute() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getSubjectType() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns the Subject Type.
getSubjectTypesSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns a list of the subject identifier types that this server supports.
getTargetLinkUri() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
URI containing the location the user agent is to be redirected to after authorization.
getTlsClientAuthSubjectDn() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getTlsClientCertificateBoundAccessTokens() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
getToken() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRevocationRequest
getTokenEndpoint() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns the URL of the Token endpoint.
getTokenEndpointAuthMethod() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns the requested authentication method for the Token Endpoint.
getTokenEndpointAuthMethodsSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns a list of authentication types supported by this Token Endpoint.
getTokenEndpointAuthSigningAlg() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns the Requested Client Authentication method for the Token Endpoint.
getTokenEndpointAuthSigningAlgValuesSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns a list of the JWS signing algorithms (alg values) supported by the Token Endpoint for the private_key_jwt and client_secret_jwt methods to encode the JWT.
getTokenType() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
Returns the type of the token issued (value is case insensitive).
getTokenType() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushTokenDeliveryRequest
getTokenType() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenResponse
Returns the type of the token issued.
getTokenTypeHint() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRevocationRequest
getTosUri() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns a URL that the Relying Party Client provides to the End-User to read about the Relying Party's terms of service.
getTosUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns a URL that the Relying Party Client provides to the End-User to read about the Relying Party's terms of service in a language and script.
getTosUriLanguageTags() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
getType() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getType() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
getUiLocales() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
getUiLocales() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getUiLocalesAsString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
getUiLocalesSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns a list of languages and scripts supported for the user interface.
getUrl() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseClient
getUserCode() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
getUserCode() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.DeviceAuthzResponse
getUserCode() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getUserCriterionKey() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RevokeSessionRequest
getUserCriterionValue() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RevokeSessionRequest
getUserInfoEncryptedResponseAlg() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns the JWE alg algorithm (JWA) required for encrypting UserInfo responses.
getUserInfoEncryptedResponseEnc() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns the JWE enc algorithm (JWA) required for symmetric encryption of UserInfo responses.
getUserInfoEncryptionAlgValuesSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns a list of the JWE encryption algorithms (alg values JWA) supported by the UserInfo Endpoint to encode the claims in a JWT.
getUserInfoEncryptionEncValuesSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns a list of the JWE encryption algorithms (enc values JWA) supported by the UserInfo Endpoint to encode the claims in a JWT.
getUserInfoEndpoint() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns the URL of the User Info endpoint.
getUserInfoMember() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
getUserInfoSignedResponseAlg() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Returns the JWS alg algorithm (JWA) required for UserInfo responses.
getUserInfoSigningAlgValuesSupported() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Returns a list of the JWS signing algorithms (alg values JWA) supported by the UserInfo Endpoint to encode the claims in a JWT
getUsername() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest
Returns the username.
getVerificationUri() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.DeviceAuthzResponse
getVerificationUriComplete() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.DeviceAuthzResponse
GluuConfigurationClient - Class in io.jans.as.client
Created by eugeniuparvan on 8/12/16.
GluuConfigurationClient(String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.GluuConfigurationClient
GluuConfigurationRequest - Class in io.jans.as.client
Created by eugeniuparvan on 8/12/16.
GluuConfigurationRequest() - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.GluuConfigurationRequest
GluuConfigurationResponse - Class in io.jans.as.client
Created by eugeniuparvan on 8/12/16.
GluuConfigurationResponse() - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.GluuConfigurationResponse
grantType(GrantType) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest.Builder


hasCredentials() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseRequest
hasJwtRequestAsString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
headers - Variable in class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponse
headerToJSONObject() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
headerToJSONObject() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
headerToJSONObject() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.SoftwareStatement


IdTokenMember - Class in io.jans.as.client.model.authorize
IdTokenMember() - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.IdTokenMember
initClient() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseClient
injectDataFromJson() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
injectDataFromJson() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterResponse
injectDataFromJson() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RevokeSessionResponse
injectDataFromJson() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenResponse
injectDataFromJson(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
injectDataFromJson(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponseWithErrors
injectDataFromJson(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.fcm.FirebaseCloudMessagingResponse
injectDataFromJson(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.DeviceAuthzResponse
injectDataFromJson(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterResponse
injectDataFromJson(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenResponse
injectErrorIfExistSilently(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponseWithErrors
injectErrorIfExistSilently(JSONObject) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponseWithErrors
instance() - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.fido.u2f.FidoU2fClientFactory
instance() - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.service.ClientFactory
instance() - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.uma.UmaClientFactory
integerOrNull(JSONObject, String) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.util.ClientUtil
introspect(String, String) - Method in interface io.jans.as.client.service.IntrospectionService
IntrospectionService - Interface in io.jans.as.client.service
Introspection service.
introspectToken(String, String) - Method in interface io.jans.as.client.service.IntrospectionService
Returns introspection response for specified token.
introspectTokenWithResponseAsJwt(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface io.jans.as.client.service.IntrospectionService
io.jans.as.client - package io.jans.as.client
io.jans.as.client.builder - package io.jans.as.client.builder
io.jans.as.client.ciba.fcm - package io.jans.as.client.ciba.fcm
io.jans.as.client.ciba.ping - package io.jans.as.client.ciba.ping
io.jans.as.client.ciba.push - package io.jans.as.client.ciba.push
io.jans.as.client.fido.u2f - package io.jans.as.client.fido.u2f
io.jans.as.client.model - package io.jans.as.client.model
io.jans.as.client.model.authorize - package io.jans.as.client.model.authorize
io.jans.as.client.par - package io.jans.as.client.par
io.jans.as.client.service - package io.jans.as.client.service
io.jans.as.client.uma - package io.jans.as.client.uma
io.jans.as.client.uma.exception - package io.jans.as.client.uma.exception
io.jans.as.client.uma.wrapper - package io.jans.as.client.uma.wrapper
io.jans.as.client.util - package io.jans.as.client.util
isReadMode() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.builder.RegistrationBuilder
isRequestSessionId() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
Returns whether session id is requested.
isRequestUniqueId() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
issuer - Variable in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
isUpdateMode() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.builder.RegistrationBuilder
isUseNoRedirectHeader() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest


JwkClient - Class in io.jans.as.client
Encapsulates functionality to make JWK request calls to an authorization server via REST Services.
JwkClient(String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.JwkClient
Constructs a JSON Web Key (JWK) client by providing a REST url where the validate token service is located.
JwkRequest - Class in io.jans.as.client
Represents a JSON Web Key (JWK) request to send to the authorization server.
JwkRequest() - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.JwkRequest
JwkResponse - Class in io.jans.as.client
Represents a JSON Web Key (JWK) received from the authorization server.
JwkResponse(int) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.JwkResponse
Constructs a JWK response.
JwtAuthorizationRequest - Class in io.jans.as.client.model.authorize
JwtAuthorizationRequest(AuthorizationRequest, KeyEncryptionAlgorithm, BlockEncryptionAlgorithm, AbstractCryptoProvider) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
JwtAuthorizationRequest(AuthorizationRequest, KeyEncryptionAlgorithm, BlockEncryptionAlgorithm, String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
JwtAuthorizationRequest(AuthorizationRequest, SignatureAlgorithm, AbstractCryptoProvider) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
JwtAuthorizationRequest(AuthorizationRequest, SignatureAlgorithm, String, AbstractCryptoProvider) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
JwtState - Class in io.jans.as.client.model
JwtState(KeyEncryptionAlgorithm, BlockEncryptionAlgorithm, AbstractCryptoProvider) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
JwtState(KeyEncryptionAlgorithm, BlockEncryptionAlgorithm, String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
JwtState(SignatureAlgorithm, AbstractCryptoProvider) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
JwtState(SignatureAlgorithm, String, AbstractCryptoProvider) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState


KeyExporter - Class in io.jans.as.client.util
Export private key from JKS Command example: java -cp KeyExporter -h
KeyExporter() - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.util.KeyExporter
KeyExporter.Cli - Class in io.jans.as.client.util
KeyGenerator - Class in io.jans.as.client.util
Command example: java -cp bcprov-jdk15on-1.54.jar:.jar:bcpkix-jdk15on-1.54.jar:commons-cli-1.2.jar:commons-codec-1.5.jar:commons-lang-2.6.jar:jettison-1.3.jar:log4j-1.2.14.jar:oxauth-model.jar:oxauth.jar KeyGenerator -h
KeyGenerator() - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.util.KeyGenerator
KeyGenerator.Cli - Class in io.jans.as.client.util


location - Variable in class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponse


main(String[]) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.util.KeyExporter
main(String[]) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.util.KeyGenerator
missingBackchannelClientNotificationEndPoint() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.builder.RegistrationBuilder
missingBackchannelTokenDeliveryMode() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.builder.RegistrationBuilder
missingJwksUri() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.builder.RegistrationBuilder
missingTokenEndPointAuthMethod() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.builder.RegistrationBuilder


newClient(ClientHttpEngine) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.uma.UmaClientFactory
NO_REDIRECT_HEADER - Static variable in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest


OpenIdConfigurationClient - Class in io.jans.as.client
Encapsulates functionality to make OpenId Configuration request calls to an authorization server via REST Services.
OpenIdConfigurationClient(String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationClient
Constructs an OpenID Configuration Client by providing an url where the REST service is located.
OpenIdConfigurationRequest - Class in io.jans.as.client
Represents an OpenId Configuration request to send to the authorization server.
OpenIdConfigurationRequest() - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationRequest
OpenIdConfigurationResponse - Class in io.jans.as.client
Represents an OpenId Configuration received from the authorization server.
OpenIdConfigurationResponse() - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
OpenIdConfigurationResponse(int) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Constructs an OpenID Configuration Response.
OpenIdConnectDiscoveryClient - Class in io.jans.as.client
OpenIdConnectDiscoveryClient(String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConnectDiscoveryClient
OpenIdConnectDiscoveryRequest - Class in io.jans.as.client
OpenIdConnectDiscoveryRequest(String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConnectDiscoveryRequest
OpenIdConnectDiscoveryResponse - Class in io.jans.as.client
OpenIdConnectDiscoveryResponse(int) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConnectDiscoveryResponse
Constructs an OpenID Connect Discovery Response.


ParClient - Class in io.jans.as.client.par
ParClient(String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.par.ParClient
Constructs an par client by providing a REST url where the authorize service is located.
ParRequest - Class in io.jans.as.client.par
ParRequest(AuthorizationRequest) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.par.ParRequest
ParResponse - Class in io.jans.as.client.par
ParResponse(Response) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.par.ParResponse
parse() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.util.KeyExporter.Cli
parse() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.util.KeyGenerator.Cli
parse(String) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationClient
parse(String, OpenIdConfigurationResponse) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationClient
parseScopeToClaimsMapping(String) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
parseScopeToClaimsMapping(JSONArray) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
pat(String...) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest.Builder
payloadToJSONObject() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
payloadToJSONObject() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
PingCallbackClient - Class in io.jans.as.client.ciba.ping
PingCallbackClient(String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.ciba.ping.PingCallbackClient
PingCallbackRequest - Class in io.jans.as.client.ciba.ping
PingCallbackRequest() - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.ciba.ping.PingCallbackRequest
PingCallbackResponse - Class in io.jans.as.client.ciba.ping
PingCallbackResponse(Response) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.ciba.ping.PingCallbackResponse
prepareAuthorizatedClientRequest(AuthorizationMethod, String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseClient
PushErrorClient - Class in io.jans.as.client.ciba.push
PushErrorClient(String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushErrorClient
PushErrorRequest - Class in io.jans.as.client.ciba.push
PushErrorRequest() - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushErrorRequest
PushErrorResponse - Class in io.jans.as.client.ciba.push
PushErrorResponse(Response) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushErrorResponse
PushTokenDeliveryClient - Class in io.jans.as.client.ciba.push
PushTokenDeliveryClient(String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushTokenDeliveryClient
PushTokenDeliveryRequest - Class in io.jans.as.client.ciba.push
PushTokenDeliveryRequest() - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushTokenDeliveryRequest
PushTokenDeliveryResponse - Class in io.jans.as.client.ciba.push
PushTokenDeliveryResponse(Response) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushTokenDeliveryResponse


QueryStringDecoder - Class in io.jans.as.client
Provides functionality to parse query strings.


RegisterClient - Class in io.jans.as.client
Encapsulates functionality to make Register request calls to an authorization server via REST Services.
RegisterClient(String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.RegisterClient
Construct a register client by providing an URL where the REST service is located.
registerPermission(String, UmaPermissionList) - Method in interface io.jans.as.client.uma.UmaPermissionService
RegisterRequest - Class in io.jans.as.client
Represents a register request to send to the authorization server.
RegisterRequest() - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Common constructor.
RegisterRequest(ApplicationType, String, List<String>) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Constructs a request for Client Registration
RegisterRequest(String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Constructs a request for Client Read
RegisterResponse - Class in io.jans.as.client
Represents a register response received from the authorization server.
RegisterResponse() - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.RegisterResponse
RegisterResponse(Response) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.RegisterResponse
Constructs a register response.
RegistrationBuilder - Class in io.jans.as.client.builder
RegistrationBuilder() - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.builder.RegistrationBuilder
RegistrationRequestService - Interface in io.jans.as.client.fido.u2f
Еhe endpoint allows to start and finish U2F registration process
request - Variable in class io.jans.as.client.BaseClient
request(String, TokenRequest) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.uma.wrapper.UmaClient
request(String, String, String, UmaScopeType, ClientHttpEngine, String...) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.uma.wrapper.UmaClient
request(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, UmaScopeType, String...) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.uma.wrapper.UmaClient
use request() method directly
requestForm - Variable in class io.jans.as.client.BaseClient
requestJwtAuthorizationRpt(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface io.jans.as.client.uma.UmaTokenService
requestPat(String, String, String, String...) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.uma.wrapper.UmaClient
requestPat(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.uma.wrapper.UmaClient
requestPat(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String...) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.uma.wrapper.UmaClient
use request() method directly
requestPat(String, String, String, ClientHttpEngine, String...) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.uma.wrapper.UmaClient
requestRpt(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface io.jans.as.client.uma.UmaTokenService
requestRptStatus(String, String, String) - Method in interface io.jans.as.client.uma.UmaRptIntrospectionService
requestWithClientSecretJwt(String, String, String, AuthenticationMethod, SignatureAlgorithm, String, UmaScopeType, String...) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.uma.wrapper.UmaClient
response - Variable in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
response - Variable in class io.jans.as.client.BaseClient
resteasyClient - Variable in class io.jans.as.client.BaseClient
RevokeSessionClient - Class in io.jans.as.client
RevokeSessionClient(String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.RevokeSessionClient
Constructs a token client by providing a REST url where the token service is located.
RevokeSessionRequest - Class in io.jans.as.client
RevokeSessionRequest() - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.RevokeSessionRequest
RevokeSessionRequest(String, String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.RevokeSessionRequest
RevokeSessionResponse - Class in io.jans.as.client
RevokeSessionResponse() - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.RevokeSessionResponse
RevokeSessionResponse(Response) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.RevokeSessionResponse


scope(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest.Builder
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
Sets the access token issued by the authorization server.
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushTokenDeliveryRequest
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ClientInfoRequest
Sets the access token obtained from Jans Auth authorization request.
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.EndSessionRequest
Sets the issued ID Token.
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets the Registration Access Token to authorize Client Read requests.
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenResponse
Sets the access token issued by the authorization server.
setAccessToken(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.UserInfoRequest
Sets the access token obtained from Jans Auth authorization request.
setAccessTokenAsJwt(Boolean) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
setAccessTokenLifetime(Integer) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets the Client-specific access token expiration (in seconds).
setAccessTokenSigningAlg(SignatureAlgorithm) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
setAcrValues(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
setAcrValues(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
setAcrValues(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setAcrValuesSupported(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets a list of the Authentication Context Class References that this server supports.
setAdditionalAudience(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
setAdditionalClaims(JSONObject) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
setAlgorithm(SignatureAlgorithm) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ClientAuthnRequest
setAlgorithm(SignatureAlgorithm) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setAllowSpontaneousScopes(Boolean) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
setApplicationType(ApplicationType) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets the application type.
setAs(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
String identifying the authorization server that this request was sent to.
setAssertion(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest
Sets the assertion.
setAtHash(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
Access Token hash value.
setAud(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setAud(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
String identifying the client that this state value is intended for.
setAudience(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
setAudience(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ClientAuthnRequest
setAuthenticationMethod(AuthenticationMethod) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseRequest
setAuthLevelMapping(Map<Integer, Set<String>>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.GluuConfigurationResponse
setAuthorizationEncryptedResponseAlg(KeyEncryptionAlgorithm) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
setAuthorizationEncryptedResponseEnc(BlockEncryptionAlgorithm) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
setAuthorizationEncryptionAlgValuesSupported(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets a list of the JWE encryption algorithms (alg values) JWA supported by the authorization endpoint to encrypt the response.
setAuthorizationEncryptionEncValuesSupported(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets a list of the JWE encryption algorithms (enc values) JWA supported by the authorization endpoint to encrypt the response.
setAuthorizationEndpoint(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets the URL of the Authentication and Authorization endpoint.
setAuthorizationMethod(AuthorizationMethod) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseRequest
setAuthorizationRequest(AuthorizationRequest) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.par.ParRequest
setAuthorizationSignedResponseAlg(SignatureAlgorithm) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
setAuthorizationSigningAlgValuesSupported(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets a list of the JWS signing algorithms (alg values) JWA supported by the authorization endpoint to sign the responses.
setAuthorizedAcrValues(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
setAuthorizedOrigins(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets authorized JavaScript origins.
setAuthPassword(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseRequest
setAuthReqId(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
setAuthReqId(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.ping.PingCallbackRequest
setAuthReqId(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushErrorRequest
setAuthReqId(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushTokenDeliveryRequest
setAuthReqId(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest
setAuthUsername(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseRequest
setBackchannelAuthenticationEndpoint(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
setBackchannelAuthenticationRequestSigningAlg(AsymmetricSignatureAlgorithm) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
setBackchannelAuthenticationRequestSigningAlgValuesSupported(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
setBackchannelClientNotificationEndpoint(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
setBackchannelLogoutSessionRequired(Boolean) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
setBackchannelLogoutSessionSupported(Boolean) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
setBackchannelLogoutSupported(Boolean) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
setBackchannelLogoutUris(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
setBackchannelTokenDeliveryMode(BackchannelTokenDeliveryMode) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
setBackchannelTokenDeliveryModesSupported(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
setBackchannelUserCodeParameter(Boolean) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
setBackchannelUserCodeParameterSupported(Boolean) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
setBindingMessage(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
setBindingMessage(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setBlockEncryptionAlgorithm(BlockEncryptionAlgorithm) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setBlockEncryptionAlgorithm(BlockEncryptionAlgorithm) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
setcHash(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
Code hash value.
setCheckSessionIFrame(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets the URL of an OP endpoint that provides a page to support cross-origin communications for session state information with the RP client.
setClaimMap(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponseWithErrors
setClaims(List<Claim>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.IdTokenMember
setClaims(List<Claim>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.UserInfoMember
setClaims(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
setClaims(JSONObject) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
setClaims(JSONObject) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.SoftwareStatement
setClaimsLocales(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
setClaimsLocales(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setClaimsLocalesSupported(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets a list of languages and scripts supported for values in Claims being returned.
setClaimsParameterSupported(Boolean) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets a Boolean value specifying whether the OP supports use of the claims parameter, with true indicating support.
setClaimsRedirectUris(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets claims redirect URIs.
setClaimsSupported(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets a list of the Claim Names of the Claims that the OpenID Provider may be able to supply values for.
setClaimTypesSupported(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets a list of the claim types that the OpenID Provider supports.
setClaimValue(ClaimValue) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.Claim
setClientId(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
Sets the client identifier.
setClientId(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
setClientId(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.DeviceAuthzRequest
setClientId(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setClientId(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterResponse
Sets the client's identifier.
setClientIdIssuedAt(Date) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterResponse
setClientInfoEndpoint(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets the URL for the Client Info endpoint.
setClientName(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets the name of the Client to be presented to the user.
setClientName(String, Locale) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets the name of the Client to be presented to the user represented in a language and script.
setClientNotificationToken(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
setClientNotificationToken(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.ping.PingCallbackRequest
setClientNotificationToken(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushErrorRequest
setClientNotificationToken(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushTokenDeliveryRequest
setClientNotificationToken(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setClientSecret(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterResponse
Sets the client's password.
setClientSecretExpiresAt(Date) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterResponse
Sets the expiration date after which the client's account will expire.
setClientUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets a URL of the home page of the Client.
setClientUri(String, Locale) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets a URL of the home page of the Client represented in a language and script.
setCode(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
Sets the authorization code generated by the authorization server.
setCode(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest
Sets the authorization code.
setCodeChallenge(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
setCodeChallengeMethod(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
setCodeVerifier(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest
Sets PKCE code verifier.
setContacts(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets a list of e-mail addresses for people allowed to administer the information for this Client.
setContentType(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseRequest
setCryptoProvider(AbstractCryptoProvider) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ClientAuthnRequest
setCustomParams(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
setCustomResponseHeaders(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
setDefaultAcrValues(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets the Default requested Authentication Context Class Reference values.
setDefaultMaxAge(Integer) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets the Default Maximum Authentication Age.
setDefaultPromptLogin(Boolean) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
setDeviceAuthzEndpoint(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
setDeviceCode(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.DeviceAuthzResponse
setDeviceCode(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest
setDisplay(Display) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
Sets an ASCII string value that specifies how the Authorization Server displays the authentication page to the End-User.
setDisplay(Display) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setDisplayValuesSupported(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets a list of the display parameter values that the OpenID Provider supports.
setDpop(DPoP) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest
setDpopSigningAlgValuesSupported(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets a list of JWS alg values supported by the authorization server for DPoP proof JWTs.
setEndSessionEndpoint(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets the URL of the End Session endpoint.
setEntity(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponse
Sets the entity or body content of the response.
setErrorDescription(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
Sets a human-readable UTF-8 encoded text providing additional information, used to assist the client developer in understanding the error that occurred.
setErrorDescription(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponseWithErrors
setErrorDescription(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushErrorRequest
setErrorDescription(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.EndSessionResponse
Sets a human-readable UTF-8 encoded text providing additional information, used to assist the client developer in understanding the error that occurred.
setErrorDescription(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRevocationResponse
Sets a human-readable UTF-8 encoded text providing additional information, used to assist the client developer in understanding the error that occurred.
setErrorType(AuthorizeErrorResponseType) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
Sets the error code when the request fails, otherwise will return null.
setErrorType(PushErrorResponseType) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushErrorRequest
setErrorType(EndSessionErrorResponseType) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.EndSessionResponse
Sets the error code when the request fails, otherwise will return null.
setErrorType(TokenRevocationErrorResponseType) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRevocationResponse
Sets the error code when the request fails, otherwise will return null.
setErrorType(T) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponseWithErrors
setErrorUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
Sets a URI identifying a human-readable web page with information about the error, used to provide the client developer with additional information about the error.
setErrorUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponseWithErrors
setErrorUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushErrorRequest
setErrorUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.EndSessionResponse
Sets a URI identifying a human-readable web page with information about the error, used to provide the client developer with additional information about the error.
setErrorUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRevocationResponse
Sets a URI identifying a human-readable web page with information about the error, used to provide the client developer with additional information about the error.
setExecutor(ClientHttpEngine) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseClient
setExp(Integer) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
setExp(Integer) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setExp(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
The expiration time claim identifies the expiration time on or after which the JWT MUST NOT be accepted for processing.
setExpiresIn(Integer) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
Sets the lifetime in seconds of the access token.
setExpiresIn(Integer) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
setExpiresIn(Integer) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushTokenDeliveryRequest
setExpiresIn(Integer) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.DeviceAuthzResponse
setExpiresIn(Integer) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.par.ParResponse
setExpiresIn(Integer) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenResponse
Sets the lifetime in seconds of the access token.
setFrontChannelLogoutSessionRequired(Boolean) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets front channel logout session required.
setFrontChannelLogoutSessionSupported(Boolean) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
setFrontChannelLogoutSupported(Boolean) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
setFrontChannelLogoutUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets logout uri
setGrantType(GrantType) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest
Sets the grant type.
setGrantTypes(List<GrantType>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets a list of the OAuth 2.0 grant types that the Client is declaring that it will restrict itself to using.
setGrantTypes(List<GrantType>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterResponse
setGrantTypesSupported(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets a list of the OAuth 2.0 grant type values that this server supports.
setHeaders(MultivaluedMap<String, Object>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponse
setHost(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConnectDiscoveryRequest
Sets the Server where a WebFinger service is hosted.
setHttpMethod(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
setIat(Integer) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setIat(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
Timestamp of when this Authorization Request was issued.
setIdGenerationEndpoint(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.GluuConfigurationResponse
setIdToken(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
Sets the ID Token of the for the authentication session.
setIdToken(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushTokenDeliveryRequest
setIdToken(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenResponse
Sets the value of the id token.
setIdTokenEncryptedResponseAlg(KeyEncryptionAlgorithm) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets the JWE alg algorithm (JWA) required for encrypting the ID Token issued to this client_id.
setIdTokenEncryptedResponseEnc(BlockEncryptionAlgorithm) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets the JWE enc algorithm (JWA) required for symmetric encryption of the ID Token issued to this client_id.
setIdTokenEncryptionAlgValuesSupported(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets a list of the JWE encryption algorithms (alg values) supported by the Authorization Server for the ID Token to encode the claims in a JWT.
setIdTokenEncryptionEncValuesSupported(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets a list of the JWE encryption algorithms (enc values) supported by the Authorization Server for the ID Token to encode the claims in a JWT.
setIdTokenHint(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
setIdTokenHint(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
setIdTokenHint(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setIdTokenMember(IdTokenMember) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setIdTokenSignedResponseAlg(SignatureAlgorithm) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets the JWS alg algorithm (JWA) required for the ID Token issued to this client_id.
setIdTokenSigningAlgValuesSupported(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets a list of the JWS signing algorithms (alg values) supported by the Authorization Server for the ID Token to encode the claims in a JWT.
setIdTokenTokenBindingCnf(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
setIdTokenTokenBindingCnfValuesSupported(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
setInitiateLoginUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets the URI using the https: scheme that the authorization server can call to initiate a login at the client.
setInterval(Integer) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse
setInterval(Integer) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.DeviceAuthzResponse
setIntrospectionEndpoint(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.GluuConfigurationResponse
setIntrospectionEndpoint(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
setIss(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setIss(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
String identifying the party that issued this state value.
setIssuer(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
setIssuer(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets the issuer identifier.
setJsonObject(JSONObject) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
setJti(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setJti(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
The "jti" (JWT ID) claim provides a unique identifier for the JWT.
setJwks(JSONWebKeySet) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.JwkResponse
setJwks(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Client's JSON Web Key Set (JWK) document, passed by value.
setJwksUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets the URL of the OP's JSON Web Key Set (JWK) document that contains the Server's signing key(s) that are used for signing responses to the Client.
setJwksUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets the URL for the Client's JSON Web Key Set (JWK) document containing key(s) that are used for signing requests to the OP.
setJwksUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.UserInfoClient
setJwtRequestAsString(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
setKeepClientAuthorizationAfterExpiration(Boolean) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
setKeyEncryptionAlgorithm(KeyEncryptionAlgorithm) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setKeyEncryptionAlgorithm(KeyEncryptionAlgorithm) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
setKeyId(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ClientAuthnRequest
setKeyId(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setKeyId(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
Identifier of the key used to sign this state token at the issuer.
setKeyId(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.SoftwareStatement
Identifier of the key used to sign this state token at the issuer.
setLinks(List<WebFingerLink>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConnectDiscoveryResponse
setLocation(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponse
Sets the location of the response in the header.
setLoginHint(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
setLoginHint(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
setLoginHint(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setLoginHintToken(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
setLoginHintToken(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setLogoUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets a URL that references a logo for the Client application.
setLogoUri(String, Locale) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets a URL that references a logo for the Client application represented in a language and script.
setMaxAge(Integer) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
setMaxAge(Integer) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.IdTokenMember
setMaxAge(Integer) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setMediaType(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseRequest
setMltsAliases(Map<String, Serializable>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
setName(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.Claim
setNbf(Integer) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setNbf(Integer) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.par.ParRequest
setNestedPayload(Jwt) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setNonce(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
Sets a string value used to associate a user agent session with an ID Token, and to mitigate replay attacks.
setNonce(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setOpPolicyUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets a URL that the OpenID Provider provides to the person registering the Client to read about the OP's requirements on how the Relying Party may use the data provided by the OP.
setOpTosUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets a URL that the OpenID Provider provides to the person registering the Client to read about OpenID Provider's terms of service.
setParEndpoint(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.GluuConfigurationResponse
setParEndpoint(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
setParLifetime(Integer) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
setPassword(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest
Sets the password.
setPath(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConnectDiscoveryRequest
Sets the path component.
setPolicyUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets a URL that the Relying Party Client provides to the End-User to read about how the profile data will be used.
setPolicyUri(String, Locale) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets a URL that the Relying Party Client provides to the End-User to read about how the profile data will be used in a language and script.
setPostLogoutRedirectUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.EndSessionRequest
Sets the URL to which the RP is requesting that the End-User's User-Agent be redirected after a logout has been performed.
setPostLogoutRedirectUris(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets the URLs supplied by the RP to request that the user be redirected to this location after a logout has been performed.
setPreferredLocales(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.UserInfoMember
setPrivateKey(PrivateKey) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.UserInfoClient
setPrompts(List<Prompt>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
setPrompts(List<Prompt>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setRedirectUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
Sets the redirection URI.
setRedirectUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setRedirectUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest
Sets the redirect URI.
setRedirectUris(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets a list of redirection URIs.
setRedirectUrisRegex(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
setRefreshToken(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushTokenDeliveryRequest
setRefreshToken(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest
Sets the refresh token.
setRefreshToken(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenResponse
Sets the refresh token which can be used to obtain new access tokens using the same authorization grant.
setRegistration(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
setRegistration(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setRegistrationAccessToken(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterResponse
setRegistrationClientUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterResponse
setRegistrationEndpoint(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets the URL of the Dynamic Client Registration endpoint.
setRequest(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
Sets a JWT encoded OpenID Request Object.
setRequest(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
setRequest(T) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseClient
setRequestedExpiry(Integer) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
setRequestedExpiry(Integer) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setRequestObjectEncryptionAlg(KeyEncryptionAlgorithm) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets the JWE alg algorithm (JWA) the RP is declaring that it may use for encrypting Request Objects sent to the OP.
setRequestObjectEncryptionAlgValuesSupported(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets a list of the JWE encryption algorithms (alg values) supported by the Authorization Server for the OpenID Request Object.
setRequestObjectEncryptionEnc(BlockEncryptionAlgorithm) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets the JWE enc algorithm (JWA) the RP is declaring that it may use for encrypting Request Objects sent to the OP.
setRequestObjectEncryptionEncValuesSupported(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets a list of the JWE encryption algorithms (enc values) supported by the Authorization Server for the OpenID Request Object.
setRequestObjectSigningAlg(SignatureAlgorithm) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets the JWS alg algorithm (JWA) that must be required by the Authorization Server.
setRequestObjectSigningAlgValuesSupported(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets a list of the JWS signing algorithms (alg values) supported by the Authorization Server for the OpenID Request Object.
setRequestParameterSupported(Boolean) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets a Boolean value specifying whether the OP supports use of the request parameter, with true indicating support.
setRequestSessionId(boolean) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
Sets whether session id should be requested.
setRequestUniqueId(boolean) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setRequestUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
Sets an URL that points to an OpenID Request Object.
setRequestUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
setRequestUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.par.ParResponse
setRequestUriParameterSupported(Boolean) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets a Boolean value specifying whether the OP supports use of the request_uri parameter, with true indicating support.
setRequestUris(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets a list of request_uri values that are pre-registered by the Client for use at the Authorization Server.
setRequireAuthTime(Boolean) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets the Boolean value specifying whether the auth_time claim in the id_token is required.
setRequirePar(Boolean) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.GluuConfigurationResponse
setRequirePar(Boolean) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
setRequirePar(Boolean) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
setRequireRequestUriRegistration(Boolean) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets a Boolean value specifying whether the OP requires any request_uri values used to be pre-registered using the request_uris registration parameter.
setResource(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConnectDiscoveryRequest
Sets the Identifier of the target End-User that is the subject of the discovery request.
setResponse(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
setResponse(V) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseClient
setResponseMode(ResponseMode) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
setResponseMode(ResponseMode) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
setResponseMode(ResponseMode) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setResponseModesSupported(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
setResponseTypes(List<ResponseType>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
Sets the response types.
setResponseTypes(List<ResponseType>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setResponseTypes(List<ResponseType>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets a list of the OAuth 2.0 response_type values that the Client is declaring that it will restrict itself to using.
setResponseTypes(List<ResponseType>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterResponse
setResponseTypesStrings(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
setResponseTypesSupported(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets a list of the response types that the server supports.
setRevocationEndpoint(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets the URL of the Token Revocation endpoint.
setRfp(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
String containing a verifiable identifier for the browser session, that cannot be guessed by a third party.
setRptAsJwt(Boolean) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
setRunIntrospectionScriptBeforeAccessTokenAsJwtCreationAndIncludeClaims(Boolean) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
setScope(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
Sets the scope of the access token.
setScope(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest
Sets the scope.
setScope(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenResponse
Sets the scope of the access token.
setScope(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
setScope(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
setScopes(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
Sets the scope of the access request.
setScopes(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.DeviceAuthzRequest
setScopes(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setScopesSupported(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets a list of the OAuth 2.0 scopes that the server supports.
setScopeToClaimsMapping(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets scope to claim map.
setScopeToClaimsMapping(Map<String, Set<String>>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.GluuConfigurationResponse
setSectorIdentifierUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets the URL using the https scheme to be used in calculating Pseudonymous Identifiers by the OP.
setServiceDocumentation(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets an URL of a page containing human-readable information that developers might want or need to know when using the OpenID Provider.
setSessionId(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
Sets session id.
setSessionId(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
Sets session id.
setSessionRevocationEndpoint(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
setSharedKey(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ClientAuthnRequest
setSharedKey(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.UserInfoClient
setSid(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
setSid(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.EndSessionRequest
Sets sid.
setSignatureAlgorithm(SignatureAlgorithm) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
setSignatureAlgorithm(SignatureAlgorithm) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.SoftwareStatement
setSoftwareId(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets a unique identifier string (UUID) assigned by the client developer or software publisher used by registration endpoints to identify the client software to be dynamically registered.
setSoftwareStatement(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets a software statement containing client metadata values about the client software as claims.
setSoftwareVersion(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets a version identifier string for the client software identified by "software_id".
setSpontaneousScopes(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
setState(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
Sets the state.
setState(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
Sets the state.
setState(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.EndSessionRequest
Sets the state.
setState(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.EndSessionResponse
Sets the state.
setState(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setStatus(int) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponse
Sets the HTTP status code of the response.
setSubject(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConnectDiscoveryResponse
setSubjectIdentifierAttribute(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
setSubjectType(SubjectType) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets the Subject Type.
setSubjectTypesSupported(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets a list of the subject identifier types that this server supports.
setTargetLinkUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
URI containing the location the user agent is to be redirected to after authorization.
setTlsClientAuthSubjectDn(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
setTlsClientCertificateBoundAccessTokens(Boolean) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
setToken(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRevocationRequest
setTokenEndpoint(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets the URL of the Token endpoint.
setTokenEndpointAuthMethod(AuthenticationMethod) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets the requested authentication method for the Token Endpoint.
setTokenEndpointAuthMethodsSupported(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets a list of authentication types supported by this Token Endpoint.
setTokenEndpointAuthSigningAlg(SignatureAlgorithm) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets the Requested Client Authentication method for the Token Endpoint.
setTokenEndpointAuthSigningAlgValuesSupported(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets a list of the JWS signing algorithms (alg values) supported by the Token Endpoint for the private_key_jwt and client_secret_jwt methods to encode the JWT.
setTokenType(TokenType) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationResponse
Sets the type of the token issued (value is case insensitive).
setTokenType(TokenType) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.ciba.push.PushTokenDeliveryRequest
setTokenType(TokenType) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenResponse
Sets the type of the token issued.
setTokenTypeHint(TokenTypeHint) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRevocationRequest
setTosUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets a URL that the Relying Party Client provides to the End-User to read about the Relying Party's terms of service.
setTosUri(String, Locale) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets a URL that the Relying Party Client provides to the End-User to read about the Relying Party's terms of service in a language and script.
setType(JwtType) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setType(JwtType) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.JwtState
setUiLocales(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
setUiLocales(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setUiLocalesSupported(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets a list of languages and scripts supported for the user interface.
setUrl(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseClient
setUseNoRedirectHeader(boolean) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.AuthorizationRequest
setUserCode(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest
setUserCode(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.DeviceAuthzResponse
setUserCode(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setUserCriterionKey(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RevokeSessionRequest
setUserCriterionValue(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RevokeSessionRequest
setUserInfoEncryptedResponseAlg(KeyEncryptionAlgorithm) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets the JWE alg algorithm (JWA) required for encrypting UserInfo responses.
setUserInfoEncryptedResponseEnc(BlockEncryptionAlgorithm) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets the JWE enc algorithm (JWA) required for symmetric encryption of UserInfo responses.
setUserInfoEncryptionAlgValuesSupported(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets a list of the JWE encryption algorithms (alg values JWA) supported by the UserInfo Endpoint to encode the claims in a JWT.
setUserInfoEncryptionEncValuesSupported(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets a list of the JWE encryption algorithms (enc values JWA) supported by the UserInfo Endpoint to encode the claims in a JWT.
setUserInfoEndpoint(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets the URL for the User Info endpoint.
setUserInfoMember(UserInfoMember) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.JwtAuthorizationRequest
setUserInfoSignedResponseAlg(SignatureAlgorithm) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
Sets the JWS alg algorithm (JWA) required for UserInfo responses.
setUserInfoSigningAlgValuesSupported(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
Sets a list of the JWS signing algorithms (alg values JWA) supported by the UserInfo Endpoint to encode the claims in a JWT
setUsername(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest
Sets the username.
setVerificationUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.DeviceAuthzResponse
setVerificationUriComplete(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.DeviceAuthzResponse
showClient(BaseClient) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.ClientUtils
showClient(BaseClient, CookieStore) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.ClientUtils
showClientUserAgent(BaseClient) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.ClientUtils
showHeader(String) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.ClientUtils
sign(SignatureAlgorithm, String, AuthCryptoProvider) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
signWithSharedKey(SignatureAlgorithm, String, AuthCryptoProvider) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterRequest
SoftwareStatement - Class in io.jans.as.client.model
SoftwareStatement(SignatureAlgorithm, AbstractCryptoProvider) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.model.SoftwareStatement
SoftwareStatement(SignatureAlgorithm, String, AbstractCryptoProvider) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.model.SoftwareStatement
startAuthentication(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface io.jans.as.client.fido.u2f.AuthenticationRequestService
startRegistration(String, String, String) - Method in interface io.jans.as.client.fido.u2f.RegistrationRequestService
startRegistration(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface io.jans.as.client.fido.u2f.RegistrationRequestService
stat(String, String, String) - Method in interface io.jans.as.client.service.StatService
statOpenMetrics(String, String, String) - Method in interface io.jans.as.client.service.StatService
statPost(String, String, String) - Method in interface io.jans.as.client.service.StatService
StatService - Interface in io.jans.as.client.service
status - Variable in class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponse


toJSONObject() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.ClaimValue
toJSONObject() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.IdTokenMember
toJSONObject() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.UserInfoMember
TokenClient - Class in io.jans.as.client
Encapsulates functionality to make token request calls to an authorization server via REST Services.
TokenClient(String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.TokenClient
Constructs a token client by providing a REST url where the token service is located.
TokenRequest - Class in io.jans.as.client
Represents a token request to send to the authorization server.
TokenRequest(GrantType) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest
Constructs a token request.
TokenRequest.Builder - Class in io.jans.as.client
TokenResponse - Class in io.jans.as.client
Represents a token response received from the authorization server.
TokenResponse() - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.TokenResponse
TokenResponse(Response) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.TokenResponse
Constructs a token response.
TokenRevocationClient - Class in io.jans.as.client
Encapsulates functionality to make token revocation request calls to an authorization server via REST Services.
TokenRevocationClient(String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.TokenRevocationClient
Constructs a token revocation client by providing a REST url where the token service is located.
TokenRevocationRequest - Class in io.jans.as.client
TokenRevocationRequest() - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.TokenRevocationRequest
Constructs a token revocation request.
TokenRevocationResponse - Class in io.jans.as.client
TokenRevocationResponse(Response) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.TokenRevocationResponse
Constructs an token revocation response.
toPrettyJson(JSONObject) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.util.ClientUtil
toString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.BaseResponseWithErrors
toString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.GluuConfigurationResponse
toString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.OpenIdConfigurationResponse
toString() - Method in class io.jans.as.client.UserInfoResponse


U2fConfigurationService - Interface in io.jans.as.client.fido.u2f
The endpoint at which the requester can obtain FIDO U2F metadata configuration
umaBuilder() - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.TokenRequest
UmaClient - Class in io.jans.as.client.uma.wrapper
UmaClientFactory - Class in io.jans.as.client.uma
Helper class which creates proxied UMA services
UmaException - Exception in io.jans.as.client.uma.exception
UMA Exception
UmaException() - Constructor for exception io.jans.as.client.uma.exception.UmaException
UmaException(String) - Constructor for exception io.jans.as.client.uma.exception.UmaException
UmaException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.jans.as.client.uma.exception.UmaException
UmaException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.jans.as.client.uma.exception.UmaException
UmaMetadataService - Interface in io.jans.as.client.uma
The endpoint at which the requester can obtain UMA metadata.
UmaPermissionService - Interface in io.jans.as.client.uma
The endpoint at which the host registers permissions that it anticipates a requester will shortly be asking for from the AM.
UmaResourceService - Interface in io.jans.as.client.uma
REST WS UMA resource set description API
UmaRptIntrospectionService - Interface in io.jans.as.client.uma
The endpoint at which the host requests the status of an RPT presented to it by a requester.
UmaScopeService - Interface in io.jans.as.client.uma
UmaTokenService - Interface in io.jans.as.client.uma
updateResource(String, String, UmaResource) - Method in interface io.jans.as.client.uma.UmaResourceService
UserInfoClient - Class in io.jans.as.client
Encapsulates functionality to make user info request calls to an authorization server via REST Services.
UserInfoClient(String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.UserInfoClient
Constructs an User Info client by providing a REST url where the service is located.
UserInfoMember - Class in io.jans.as.client.model.authorize
UserInfoMember() - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.model.authorize.UserInfoMember
UserInfoRequest - Class in io.jans.as.client
Represents a User Info request to send to the authorization server.
UserInfoRequest(String) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.UserInfoRequest
Constructs a User Info Request.
UserInfoResponse - Class in io.jans.as.client
Represents an user info response received from the authorization server.
UserInfoResponse(Response) - Constructor for class io.jans.as.client.UserInfoResponse
Constructs a User Info response.


valueOf(String) - Static method in class io.jans.as.client.RegisterResponse


webTarget - Variable in class io.jans.as.client.BaseClient
withApplicationType(ApplicationType) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.builder.RegistrationBuilder
withBackchannelAuthRequestSigningAlgorithm(AsymmetricSignatureAlgorithm) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.builder.RegistrationBuilder
withBackchannelClientNotificationEndPoint(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.builder.RegistrationBuilder
withBackchannelTokenDeliveryMode(BackchannelTokenDeliveryMode) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.builder.RegistrationBuilder
withBackchannelUserCodeParameter(Boolean) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.builder.RegistrationBuilder
withClientName(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.builder.RegistrationBuilder
withGrantTypes(List<GrantType>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.builder.RegistrationBuilder
withJwks(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.builder.RegistrationBuilder
withJwksUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.builder.RegistrationBuilder
withRedirectUris(List<String>) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.builder.RegistrationBuilder
withRegistrationAccessToken(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.builder.RegistrationBuilder
withRegistrationEndpoint(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.builder.RegistrationBuilder
withSectorIdentifierUri(String) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.builder.RegistrationBuilder
withSubjectType(SubjectType) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.builder.RegistrationBuilder
withTokenEndPointAuthMethod(AuthenticationMethod) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.builder.RegistrationBuilder
withTokenEndPointAuthSigningAlgorithm(SignatureAlgorithm) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.builder.RegistrationBuilder
withTokenSignedResponseAlgorithm(SignatureAlgorithm) - Method in class io.jans.as.client.builder.RegistrationBuilder
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