Class EndSessionClient

  • public class EndSessionClient
    extends BaseClient<EndSessionRequest,​EndSessionResponse>
    Encapsulates functionality to make end session request calls to an authorization server via REST Services.
    August 9, 2017
    Javier Rojas Blum
    • Constructor Detail

      • EndSessionClient

        public EndSessionClient​(String url)
        Constructs an end session client by providing an URL where the REST service is located.
        url - The REST service location.
    • Method Detail

      • execEndSession

        public EndSessionResponse execEndSession​(String idTokenHint,
                                                 String postLogoutRedirectUri,
                                                 String state)
        Executes the call to the REST Service requesting to end session and processes the response.
        idTokenHint - The issued ID Token.
        postLogoutRedirectUri - The URL to which the RP is requesting that the End-User's User-Agent be redirected after a logout has been performed.
        state - The state.
        The service response.
      • exec

        public EndSessionResponse exec()
        Executes the call to the REST Service and processes the response.
        The service response.