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All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Exception Summary Class Description AuthenticationRequestService The endpoint allows to start and finish U2F authentication processAuthorizationRequest Represents an authorization request to send to the authorization server.AuthorizationResponse Represents an authorization response received from the authorization server.AuthorizeClient Encapsulates functionality to make authorization request calls to an authorization server via REST Services.BackchannelAuthenticationClient Encapsulates functionality to make backchannel authentication request calls to an authorization server via REST Services.BackchannelAuthenticationRequest Represents a CIBA backchannel authorization request to send to the authorization server.BackchannelAuthenticationResponse Represents a CIBA backchannel authorization response.BaseClient<T extends BaseRequest,V extends BaseResponse> Allows to retrieve HTTP requests to the authorization server and responses from it for display purposes.BaseRequest BaseResponse BaseResponseWithErrors<T extends> Builder Claim ClaimValue ClientAuthnEnabler ClientAuthnRequest ClientFactory ClientInfoClient Encapsulates functionality to make client info request calls to an authorization server via REST Services.ClientInfoRequest Represents a Client Info request to send to the authorization server.ClientInfoResponse Represents an client info response received from the authorization server.ClientUtil ClientUtils DeviceAuthzClient Encapsulates functionality to make Device Authz request calls to an authorization server via REST Services.DeviceAuthzRequest Represents a device authorization request to send to the authorization server.DeviceAuthzResponse Represents a device authz response received from the authorization server.EndSessionClient Encapsulates functionality to make end session request calls to an authorization server via REST Services.EndSessionRequest Represents an end session request to send to the authorization server.EndSessionResponse Represents an end session response received from the authorization server.FidoU2fClientFactory Helper class which creates proxy FIDO U2F servicesFirebaseCloudMessagingClient FirebaseCloudMessagingRequest FirebaseCloudMessagingResponse GluuConfigurationClient Created by eugeniuparvan on 8/12/16.GluuConfigurationRequest Created by eugeniuparvan on 8/12/16.GluuConfigurationResponse Created by eugeniuparvan on 8/12/16.IdTokenMember IntrospectionService Introspection service.JwkClient Encapsulates functionality to make JWK request calls to an authorization server via REST Services.JwkRequest Represents a JSON Web Key (JWK) request to send to the authorization server.JwkResponse Represents a JSON Web Key (JWK) received from the authorization server.JwtAuthorizationRequest JwtState KeyExporter Export private key from JKS Command example: java -cp KeyExporter -hKeyExporter.Cli KeyGenerator Command example: java -cp bcprov-jdk15on-1.54.jar:.jar:bcpkix-jdk15on-1.54.jar:commons-cli-1.2.jar:commons-codec-1.5.jar:commons-lang-2.6.jar:jettison-1.3.jar:log4j-1.2.14.jar:oxauth-model.jar:oxauth.jar KeyGenerator -hKeyGenerator.Cli OpenIdConfigurationClient Encapsulates functionality to make OpenId Configuration request calls to an authorization server via REST Services.OpenIdConfigurationRequest Represents an OpenId Configuration request to send to the authorization server.OpenIdConfigurationResponse Represents an OpenId Configuration received from the authorization server.OpenIdConnectDiscoveryClient OpenIdConnectDiscoveryRequest OpenIdConnectDiscoveryResponse ParClient ParRequest ParResponse PingCallbackClient PingCallbackRequest PingCallbackResponse PushErrorClient PushErrorRequest PushErrorResponse PushTokenDeliveryClient PushTokenDeliveryRequest PushTokenDeliveryResponse RegisterClient Encapsulates functionality to make Register request calls to an authorization server via REST Services.RegisterRequest Represents a register request to send to the authorization server.RegisterResponse Represents a register response received from the authorization server.RegistrationBuilder RegistrationRequestService Еhe endpoint allows to start and finish U2F registration processRevokeSessionClient RevokeSessionRequest RevokeSessionResponse SoftwareStatement SsaClient SsaRequest SsaResponse StatService TokenClient Encapsulates functionality to make token request calls to an authorization server via REST Services.TokenRequest Represents a token request to send to the authorization server.TokenRequest.Builder TokenResponse Represents a token response received from the authorization server.TokenRevocationClient Encapsulates functionality to make token revocation request calls to an authorization server via REST Services.TokenRevocationRequest TokenRevocationResponse U2fConfigurationService The endpoint at which the requester can obtain FIDO U2F metadata configurationUmaClient UmaClientFactory Helper class which creates proxied UMA servicesUmaException UMA ExceptionUmaMetadataService The endpoint at which the requester can obtain UMA metadata.UmaPermissionService The endpoint at which the host registers permissions that it anticipates a requester will shortly be asking for from the AM.UmaResourceService REST WS UMA resource set description APIUmaRptIntrospectionService The endpoint at which the host requests the status of an RPT presented to it by a requester.UmaScopeService UmaTokenService UserInfoClient Encapsulates functionality to make user info request calls to an authorization server via REST Services.UserInfoMember UserInfoRequest Represents a User Info request to send to the authorization server.UserInfoResponse Represents an user info response received from the authorization server.