Class ClientCredentialsGrant

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ClientCredentialsGrant
    extends AuthorizationGrant
    The client credentials (or other forms of client authentication) can be used as an authorization grant when the authorization scope is limited to the protected resources under the control of the client, or to protected resources previously arranged with the authorization server. Client credentials are used as an authorization grant typically when the client is acting on its own behalf (the client is also the resource owner), or is requesting access to protected resources based on an authorization previously arranged with the authorization server.
    September 30, 2021
    Javier Rojas Blum, Yuriy Movchan
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClientCredentialsGrant

        public ClientCredentialsGrant()
      • ClientCredentialsGrant

        public ClientCredentialsGrant​( user,
        Construct a client credentials grant.
        user - The resource owner.
        client - An application making protected resource requests on behalf of the resource owner and with its authorization.