All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractCryptoProvider |
AbstractJweDecrypter |
AbstractJweEncrypter |
AbstractJwsSigner |
AbstractSigner |
AdminConf |
AdminPermission |
AdminRole |
Algorithm |
Identifies the cryptographic algorithm used with the key.
AlgorithmFamily |
AppConfiguration |
Represents the configuration JSON file.
ApplicationType |
AsymmetricSignatureAlgorithm |
AuthCryptoProvider |
AuthenticateRequest |
FIDO U2F device authentication request
AuthenticateRequestMessage |
FIDO U2F authentication request message
AuthenticateResponse |
FIDO U2F device authentication response
AuthenticateStatus |
FIDO U2F device authentication status response
AuthenticationFilter |
Represents the authentication filter.
AuthenticationMethod |
AuthenticationProtectionConfiguration |
Brute Force authentication configuration
AuthorizationChallengeResponse |
AuthorizationMethod |
AuthorizationRequestCustomParameter |
AuthorizeErrorResponseType |
Error codes for authorization error responses.
AuthorizeRequestParam |
AuthorizeResponseParam |
AuthzDetail |
AuthzDetails |
BackchannelAuthenticationErrorResponseType |
BackchannelAuthenticationRequestParam |
BackchannelAuthenticationResponseParam |
BackchannelDeviceRegistrationErrorResponseType |
BackchannelTokenDeliveryMode |
BadInputException |
Base64Util |
BaseDnConfiguration |
BaseFilter |
BCStyleExtended |
BlockEncryptionAlgorithm |
ByteUtils |
CallerType |
Certificate |
Certificate, uses RSA, EcDSA, EdDSA.
CertUtils |
CIBAEndUserNotificationConfig |
ClaimTokenFormatType |
ClientAssertionType |
ClientAuthenticationFilter |
ClientData |
FIDO U2F client data
ClientInfoErrorResponseType |
CodeVerifier |
CodeVerifier.CodeChallengeMethod |
Conf |
Configuration |
base interface for all Jans Auth configurations
ConfigurationResponseClaim |
Constants |
CorsConfigurationFilter |
CreatorType |
CryptoProviderException |
Exception, that is used by CryptoProvider suite classes
CryptoProviderFactory |
DateUtil |
DefaultErrorResponse |
DeviceAuthorizationRequestParam |
RFC8628 section 3.1
DeviceAuthorizationResponseParam |
RFC8628 section 3.2
DeviceAuthzErrorResponseType |
Error codes for device authz error responses.
DeviceData |
FIDO U2F device data
DeviceRegistrationStatus |
Device registration types
Display |
An ASCII string value that specifies how the Authorization Server displays
the authentication and consent user interface pages to the End-User.
DPoP |
DPoPJwtPayloadParam |
DynamicConfig |
ECDSAKeyFactory |
Factory to create asymmetric Public and Private Keys for the Elliptic Curve
Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)
ECDSAPrivateKey |
The Private Key for the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)
ECDSAPublicKey |
The Public Key for the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)
ECDSASigner |
Implementing the AbstractJwsSigner, that uses ECDSA for signing.
EDDSAKeyFactory |
Factory to create asymmetric Public and Private Keys for the Edwards Curve
Digital Signature Algorithm (EDDSA)
EDDSAPrivateKey |
Edwards Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EDDSA)
Private Key
EDDSAPublicKey |
Edwards Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EDDSA)
Public Key
EDDSASigner |
Implementing the AbstractJwsSigner, that uses EDDSA for signing.
EllipticEdvardsCurve |
EndSessionErrorResponseType |
Error codes for End Session error responses.
EndSessionRequestParam |
EndSessionResponseParam |
ErrorHandlingMethod |
This class define error handling methods
ErrorMessageList |
Represents an error message list in a configuration XML file.
ErrorMessages |
ErrorResponse |
Base class for error responses.
ErrorResponseFactory |
Provides an easy way to get Error responses based in an error response type
ExchangeTokenType |
FeatureFlagType |
FirebaseCloudMessagingRequestParam |
FirebaseCloudMessagingResponseParam |
GlobalTokenRevocationRequest |
GluuConfiguration |
Created by eugeniuparvan on 8/5/16.
GluuErrorResponseType |
GrantType |
This class allows to enumerate and identify the possible values of the
parameter grant_type for access token requests.
HashUtil |
Hash Tool, that calculates Hash Code, using Hashing Algorithm, defined by the Signature Algorithm.
HasParamName |
HMACSigner |
Holder<T> |
Id |
IdType |
IErrorType |
IntrospectionResponse |
InvalidClaimException |
InvalidJweException |
InvalidJwtException |
InvalidParameterException |
JSONable |
JsonApplier |
JsonErrorResponse |
JSON error response
JsonLogic |
JsonLogicNode |
JsonLogicNodeParser |
JSONWebKey |
JSONWebKeySet |
JsonWebResponse |
JSON Web Token is a compact token format intended for space constrained
environments such as HTTP Authorization headers and URI query parameters.
Jwe |
JweDecrypter |
JweDecrypterImpl |
JweEncrypter |
JweEncrypterImpl |
JWKParameter |
JwsSigner |
Jwt |
JSON Web Token (JWT) is a compact token format intended for space constrained
environments such as HTTP Authorization headers and URI query parameters.
JwtClaimName |
JwtClaims |
JwtClaimSet |
JwtHeader |
JwtHeaderName |
JwtStateClaimName |
JwtSubClaimObject |
JwtType |
JwtUtil |
Utility class (can't be instantiated), that provides suite of additional functions,
which can be used, during JWT/JWE processing.
Key<E extends PrivateKey,F extends PublicKey> |
KeyEncryptionAlgorithm |
KeyFactory<E extends PrivateKey,F extends PublicKey> |
Factory to create asymmetric Public and Private Keys
KeyOpsType |
KeySelectionStrategy |
KeyType |
Identifies the cryptographic algorithm family used with the key.
KeyValuePair |
LicenseConfig |
ListConverter |
A class to facilitate two-step deserialization.
LockMessageConfig |
Lock message Pub configuration
MainSettings |
OAuth2Discovery |
OAuth discovery
OIDCClientSettings |
OIDCSettings |
Pair<A,B> |
PairwiseIdType |
PermissionTicket |
Resource set permission ticket
PlainTextSignature |
PrivateKey |
The Private Key for Cryptography algorithms
Prompt |
An ASCII string values that specifies whether the Authorization Server
prompts the End-User for re-authentication and consent.
PropertyDefinition |
PropertyDefinition.ClassNames |
PublicKey |
The Public Key for Cryptography algorithms
PureJwt |
PushErrorRequestParam |
PushErrorResponseType |
PushTokenDeliveryRequestParam |
QueryBuilder |
QueryStringDecoder |
Provides functionality to parse query strings.
RawAuthenticateResponse |
The authenticate response produced by the token/key, which is transformed by
the client into an AuthenticateResponse and sent to the server.
RawRegisterResponse |
The register response produced by the token/key, which is transformed by the
client into an RegisterResponse and sent to the server.
RegisterErrorResponseType |
Error codes for register error responses.
RegisterRequest |
FIDO U2F device registration request
RegisterRequestMessage |
FIDO U2F registration request message
RegisterRequestParam |
Listed all standard parameters involved in client registration request.
RegisterResponse |
FIDO U2F device registration response
RegisterResponseParam |
Listed all standard parameters involved in client registration response.
RegisterStatus |
FIDO U2F device registration status response
RegistrationNotAllowed |
ResponseMode |
ResponseType |
This class allows to enumerate and identify the possible values of the
parameter response_type for the authorization endpoint.
RolePermissionMapping |
RptIntrospectionResponse |
Token status response according to RPT introspection profile:
RptProfiles |
RPTResponse |
Requester permission token
RSAKeyFactory |
Deprecated. |
RSAPrivateKey |
The Private Key for the RSA Algorithm
RSAPublicKey |
The Public Key for the RSA Algorithm
RSASigner |
Schema |
ScopeConstants |
ScopeType |
Scope types
SignatureAlgorithm |
Signature Algorithms.
SignatureException |
Signer |
SoftwareStatementValidationType |
SsaConfiguration |
SsaErrorResponseType |
SsaRequestParam |
SsaScopeType |
SsaValidationConfig |
SsaValidationType |
StaticConfiguration |
StringUtils |
SubId |
SubjectIdentifierGenerator |
SubjectTokenType |
Subject Token Type
SubjectType |
Token |
TokenBinding |
struct {
TokenBindingType tokenbinding_type;
TokenBindingID tokenbindingid;
opaque signature<64..2^16-1>; Signature over the concatenation
of tokenbinding_type,
key_parameters and exported
keying material (EKM)
TB_Extension extensions<0..2^16-1>;
} TokenBinding;
TokenBindingExtension |
struct {
TB_ExtensionType extension_type;
opaque extension_data<0..2^16-1>;
} TB_Extension;
TokenBindingExtensionType |
enum {
(255) No initial TB_ExtensionType registrations
} TB_ExtensionType;
TokenBindingID |
struct {
TokenBindingKeyParameters key_parameters;
uint16 key_length; Length (in bytes) of the following TokenBindingID.TokenBindingPublicKey
select (key_parameters) {
case rsa2048_pkcs1.5:
case rsa2048_pss:
RSAPublicKey rsapubkey;
case ecdsap256:
TB_ECPoint point;
} TokenBindingPublicKey;
} TokenBindingID;
TokenBindingKeyParameters |
enum {
rsa2048_pkcs1.5(0), rsa2048_pss(1), ecdsap256(2), (255)
} TokenBindingKeyParameters;
TokenBindingMessage |
struct {
TokenBinding tokenbindings<132..2^16-1>;
} TokenBindingMessage;
TokenBindingMessageParser |
TokenBindingParseException |
TokenBindingStream |
TokenBindingType |
enum {
provided_token_binding(0), referred_token_binding(1), (255)
} TokenBindingType;
TokenErrorResponseType |
TokenRequestParam |
TokenRevocationErrorResponseType |
Error codes for token revocation error responses.
TokenRevocationRequestParam |
TokenType |
The access token type provides the client with the information required to
successfully utilize the access token to make a protected resource request
(along with type-specific attributes).
TokenTypeHint |
TrustedIssuerConfig |
U2fConfiguration |
FIDO U2F metadata configuration
U2fConstants |
Static FIDO U2F server variables
U2fErrorResponseType |
Error codes for FIDO U2F server
UIConfiguration |
UmaConstants |
UmaErrorResponseType |
Error codes for UMA error responses.
UmaMetadata |
UMA2 metadata
UmaNeedInfoResponse |
UmaPermission |
UMA permission
UmaPermission |
UMA Permission.
UmaPermissionList |
UmaResource |
Resource description.
UmaResource |
Resource that needs protection by registering a resource description at the AS.
UmaResourceResponse |
Resource description.
UmaResourceWithId |
Resource that needs protection by registering a resource description
at the AS.
UmaScopeDescription |
A scope is a bounded extent of access that is possible to perform on a
resource set.
UmaScopeType |
UmaTokenResponse |
UnknownAlgorithmException |
URLPatternList |
Use |
UserInfoErrorResponseType |
Util |
WebFingerLink |
WebFingerParam |
WebKeysConfiguration |
WebKeyStorage |